ARRG! (resplendant griffin woes)

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      SPark wrote:

      What’s the story with the Olympia? Before Nirvana got it, I’d never heard anything about it. Did I just miss something?

      Olimpia painted a SK that they were not going to sell on ebay (can’t remember the exact reasons), and when Louis and I saw it we basicaly gushed, and begged and begged. And they were kind enough to sell her to us.

      As far as Phil, don’t ever mention him going up on the auction block/trade block, he is Louis’ fair and square, and trust me he won’t EVER let him go, kind of like his mascot…..


      Nirvanacat13 wrote:

      SPark wrote:

      What’s the story with the Olympia? Before Nirvana got it, I’d never heard anything about it. Did I just miss something?

      Olimpia painted a SK that they were not going to sell on ebay (can’t remember the exact reasons), and when Louis and I saw it we basicaly gushed, and begged and begged. And they were kind enough to sell her to us.

      As far as Phil, don’t ever mention him going up on the auction block/trade block, he is Louis’ fair and square, and trust me he won’t EVER let him go, kind of like his mascot…..
      Hmm, I am not sure I have heard of Olympia or Phil. Do you have pics? I am pretty sure she won’t give any of her special windstones up. teehehe


          Dang I love that dragon…


            She’s GORGEOUS!

            Glad you got her. 🙂

            Windstone collector in remission. 😉


              Love your collection Nirvana…it’s so cool that you have those SK’s


                …..My CC is still crying….She’s actualy much more spectacular in person, very bright and vibrant, I didn’t really have good light when I took those pictures.

                I’ve payed a pretty penny for a few of my pieces, and dragoness, had my work comp not been a total (#*^%)(*@&)$!@*^%)#(*& you would be crying LoL.

                Maybe I’ll win a couple of the white SKs and have you throw in some cash with the Resplendant 😉 LoL


                  Love your collection Nirvana…it’s so cool that you have those SK’s

                  Thank you frozen, I won’t let it go to my head! (they’re too heavy….)


                    Tyrrlin wrote:

                    She’s GORGEOUS!

                    Glad you got her. 🙂

                    Thanks Tyrrlin 🙂


                      Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                      …..My CC is still crying….She’s actualy much more spectacular in person, very bright and vibrant, I didn’t really have good light when I took those pictures.

                      I’ve payed a pretty penny for a few of my pieces, and dragoness, had my work comp not been a total (#*^%)(*@&)$!@*^%)#(*& you would be crying LoL.

                      Maybe I’ll win a couple of the white SKs and have you throw in some cash with the Resplendant 😉 LoL

                      I do hope you get a white SK…I wish you were here for the first one they put up….and if you buy more than one…you have to let me come visit…

                      I’m hoping they put more up…I really want a white one…but I don’t want to pay that much since they are not numbered or anything…


                        skigod377 wrote:

                        Dang I love that dragon…

                        Thank you Ski, just out of curiosity, what do you like about her? (besides the fact that it’s an SK =P)


                          Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                          skigod377 wrote:

                          Dang I love that dragon…

                          Thank you Ski, just out of curiosity, what do you like about her? (besides the fact that it’s an SK =P) Her colors. Esp the side of her neck. It looks like a blooming exotic flower. *sighs* I even pictured myself as a really important assasin… the kind that the government does not want to piss off 8) … and I used my influence… just this once… to have them break into your house and steal it, leaving behind only a big wad of money.


                          Phil and Olympia are cool. I think I like Phil better tho. I would just like 1 SK to put in my collection Or a OOAK OW. The only reason I would get a white SK is because it is a pre-production SK. I like the other colors better.


                            skigod377 wrote:

                            Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                            skigod377 wrote:

                            Dang I love that dragon…

                            Thank you Ski, just out of curiosity, what do you like about her? (besides the fact that it’s an SK =P) Her colors. Esp the side of her neck. It looks like a blooming exotic flower. *sighs* I even pictured myself as a really important assasin… the kind that the government does not want to piss off 8) … and I used my influence… just this once… to have them break into your house and steal it, leaving behind only a big wad of money.

                            Ummm Ski? If they leave money….it wouldn’t be stealing?

                            When you look at her though, there is almost something not quite right with the coloring, Mel saw it, and was just kind of “meh” but we thought it was so intoxicating.


                              dragonessjade wrote:

                              Phil and Olympia are cool. I think I like Phil better tho. I would just like 1 SK to put in my collection. Or a OOAK OW.

                              Phil is really awesome…I almost didn’t let Louis buy him back from me LoL I payed Windstone, and he had to pay me back because he was a few dollars short to write them a check. 😈 It totaly matches his tattoo “Phil” I’ll try and post pics at some point

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