Are you going "green?"

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    sunhawk wrote:

    dark_zorse wrote:

    Example 2. Pesticides. Here’s a biggie most green organizations don’t want you to know. Most pesticides and chemicals – including DDT – (oh! End of the world! DDT!) are safe so long as you use them as they are SUPPOSED to be used. In other words… you do not go out and DUMP millions upon MILLIONS of gallons into fields, lakes, and streams. Few folks know DDT was the sole reason why malaria never became a problem in the United States.

    This is true to a degree, but it’s also true that even if people use pesticides to the amounts they are supposed to, they still end up in waterways and they still build up in the fatty tissue of animals. It takes longer if people use less, but it’ll still kill animals, including people on rare occasion. It’s a poison, that’s what it’s meant to do. That’s why it affects birds so badly, because of the exponential leveling up of poisoning amounts due to the insects and other small animals they eat that already have their own dose of poison, as if the prey were little storage boxes of pesticide. So yeah it won’t poison you, the person putting it on your plants, but it’s still dangerous because of how it persists in the natural world. That’s my problem with it, more so than the harm to me personally. I can be aware of the risk and take precautions to protect myself, but animals can’t.

    They also don’t want you to know that everyday stuff at your house can be used as a pesticide and as a fertilizer as well.. I do not use any store bought fertilizer and pesticides. I use things like dawn soap, vinager, baking soda, and cola.. other things as well.. I always have beautiful plants and tasty veggies… 🙂


    Angel, would you mind going into more detail about how those items can be used as fertilizer?


    purpledragonclaw wrote:

    Angel, would you mind going into more detail about how those items can be used as fertilizer?

    Sure…. 😀 The dawn soap- helps with topical and rootal bugs. Take a spray bottle, fill it up with water first (tried the other way.. it makes a mess) put only 3 drops of dawn ( original is the only one that will work. if you use the antibacterial you will kill your plants). in the evening when it is cooler you can spray the leaves and stems with this solution. it changes the taste of the plant for the bugs eating it so they don’t want it. :yum: For the roots you take 2 cups of water to 2 drops of dawn, put some in the ground before you put the plant in and the rest of it around the root system. works well with pots too. Vinager- take another spray bottle. fill it up with water, add 1 drop of white vinager. Spray the leaves and stems in the evening. That will take care of catipilars.. When you first put a plant down, you have to fix the dirt first, right? when you do, you can use your regular dirt and add about 1/2 cup of used coffee grounds and 1/2 can of coke cola. cokacola has been the only one i found to work. I guess it has a larger content of citric acid than the rest. put more dirt on that. put the plant in and add the rest of the dirt. it is also good to put your dead grass clippings in the dirt to when you are planting. it acts like a long term compost. That is all I can think of off the top of my head. When I go home I will pull my book out and take down more of the recipes for you. This can start you off… 😀 ooh, used tea bags can be used as well with the cola.. 8) if your plant has a fungus on it. you can also put the vinager solution in the ground around your plant it should rid the fungus.


    Thank you for the tips! We already use mulch but anything we can do to positively extend the life of our plants and vegetables is welcome info!


      :hi: When every little “ant” does their part,soon a molehill is a mountain!
      {no ants in your garden though 😆 }

      Every act matters.No matter how small💞
      (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
      Male day🤞Dream on.


        :hi: How are everyone’s gardens growing?Veggies?Flowers? 😉

        Every act matters.No matter how small💞
        (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
        Male day🤞Dream on.


        Our sentinel has two blooms coming; yay! Picture time! Geraniums are blooming, epiphyllum’s blooming, pirocantha just finished blooming! Arum’s about to bloom, orchids are blooming, calla lilies have finished blooming, and the nasturtium is running wild over everything! And the madeira are still blooming, along with the birds of paradise! Our garden is a very pretty picture right now!


          Oh, that type of ‘green’! I thought either someone was getting sick :puke: or they were real jealous of something. Yes, I do recycle! The city I live in has bins to put your newspapers, glass, plastics and a bin for yard waste. :yes:


            :hi: Please do post pics of your flowers and such.Love to see “Mother Nature”at some of her best 😀

            Every act matters.No matter how small💞
            (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
            Male day🤞Dream on.


            I would, but I can’t post pics. I’m sorry.


              purpledragonclaw wrote:

              I would, but I can’t post pics. I’m sorry.

              No problem 😀 I just love to see people growing and creating beautiful things of all sorts.Art and beauty are in the eyes of the beholder.You get to enjoy them and that is what’s important 😀

              Every act matters.No matter how small💞
              (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
              Male day🤞Dream on.


                :hi: Save the Planet.It’s the only one with Beer 😆

                Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
                Male day🤞Dream on.


                purpledragonclaw wrote:

                Our sentinel has two blooms coming; yay! Picture time! Geraniums are blooming, epiphyllum’s blooming, pirocantha just finished blooming! Arum’s about to bloom, orchids are blooming, calla lilies have finished blooming, and the nasturtium is running wild over everything! And the madeira are still blooming, along with the birds of paradise! Our garden is a very pretty picture right now!

                how is my information going for you? 8)


                I have veggies on the way… 😀 I tried my radishes and had to pull them.. Bad packaging I think. They were awful. My cucumbers are flowering already and so are my Butternuts. 🙂 My Gardenea’s took off this year. I have a picture when I “thought” they were beautiful and I have one of them so congested with white flowers they looked like a huge qtip.


                angelwitnoeyes wrote:

                purpledragonclaw wrote:

                Our sentinel has two blooms coming; yay! Picture time! Geraniums are blooming, epiphyllum’s blooming, pirocantha just finished blooming! Arum’s about to bloom, orchids are blooming, calla lilies have finished blooming, and the nasturtium is running wild over everything! And the madeira are still blooming, along with the birds of paradise! Our garden is a very pretty picture right now!

                how is my information going for you? 8)

                We haven’t applied it yet. We’ve always been hesitant to use soap products on plants; our garden is kept alive by compost from our food waste.

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