Are you getting an email notification when you have received a PM?
If you have selected the option in your account to be emailed whenever there is a new Private Message in your account and have not been receiving those emails, please email me at and we’ll try to get it fixed! Thank you!
Well, for the one message I got today, I did get a notification… So they’re not *absolutely* messed up? – Now that I’ve said this, watch I don’t get notifications, not that it bothers me personally, I check up on the site enough anyway, lol
I just checked my account settings as I didn’t remember having to select an option to receive e-mail notifications. So under my account and ‘Edit’ I found that under my contact settings and e-mail notifications, the boxes weren’t checked so I just checked them. The weird thing is that I was receiving e-mail notifications before up until a few months ago and I never unchecked the boxes so was something updated that maybe reset having to check the boxes?
Seeking Test Paints & GBs ! Please get in touch if you'd trade/sell. I'll remove pieces from list by owner request
ANY Red Eyed Unis
ANY Test Paint Bat
The Purple/Yellow Baby Uni of Awesome
Male- Snow Leopard TP
White Lighting Male, Pony, Colt and Grand - I have Mom, Baby, & Young
Ponycorns: Golden Zebra and/or Spotted Skunk
Mother: Okapi
Gothic - Mahogany
PEGS: Male Midnight Calico, Male Bloodstone, Mother Starlight Rain
DRAGONS: Male Coyote