
Are these Ebay sellers crazy? Gulp!

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    “The Original? Pena’86’ – This is the quintessential pena’ piece” $700???
    I would be giddy if my white male was worth that much!



      No doubt! You know, I’m sure the Em Pea male dragon is worth at least $650 by now since it’s only been out for a few months. 😉 😆


      SilverArrow wrote:

      worth at least $650 by now 😉 😆

      😆 😆 😆 We must be millionaires. 😯


      I think they saw that other auction that listed a white male with a BIN of $700. 🙄


      🙄 💡 Not another one. Sigh, these people think we’re dumb don’t they. At least they listed it as a male and not a secret keeper.


      🙄 😆 Well, I wonder if they’ll even lower the price when they realize no one is going for it.


      Sellers like that make me laugh! Just trying to scam someone that doesn’t know the product. All they did was waste their listing fees and show their mentality, or lack there of. It just takes 2 seconds to scan current listings in order to get an idea of your product’s average price range.
      I sell mostly Breyer horses and that category gets plenty of this type. Earlier this week I spotted a listing for “a rare antique Breyer horse”. The Seller BS’d the description of this “valuable” item and started the listing at $1200.00! Weeeeelllll- It was one of the most common models in bad shape, worth MAYBE $6-$7! I couldn’t resist, I wrote to them, and while laughing my head off, politely explained the discrepancy and they did pull the listing. It takes all kinds! 😆


      Free entertainment for us. 😆


        Very true 😆


        Oh look! They dropped it down to a semi-reasonable price. Good for them. I wonder if they figured it out on their own, or if someone told them? 😈


        $200 with Reserve Not Met? It’s not reasonable enough, I think


        Greater Basilisk wrote:

        $200 with Reserve Not Met? It’s not reasonable enough, I think

        Yeah, probably not. They’d have better luck with a private seller or pawn shop. They’ll learn. Maybe. More amusement for us. 🙄


        Yeah – no reason for us to complain. 😀

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