Arctic foxes in pearl?

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      I am finishing up a batch of Grab bag arctic foxes too, they are all natural Arctic fox colors ( not pearly).
      There are “blue” ones, silver ones and white ones, and some of those weird chocolaty looking ones with white undersides.
      (I can’t take a pic ’cause I forgot my phone today)
      Arctic foxes have many color morphs, but not as many as red foxes!

      Whoa whoa! Arctic GBs?! Oh dear….how close to the Red fox GB will they be because this girl right here needs to know if I need to prioritize my Grab bag spendings because if I have to choose I’d choose spending first on the arctics!

      Wow, I may need some smelling salts as I feel a bout of the vapors coming on lol!

      I plan to have Arctic foxes and red foxes at the same time, so folks can combine shipping if they want both.


         photo 128611544737542247.jpg

        tdm :love:

        That pic always cracks me up!


          Awesome! I’m going to need an arctic fox and a red fox! Before October since I’ll be going on vacation too!

          Whats a “vacation” ?


            I am finishing up a batch of Grab bag arctic foxes too, they are all natural Arctic fox colors ( not pearly).
            There are “blue” ones, silver ones and white ones, and some of those weird chocolaty looking ones with white undersides.
            (I can’t take a pic ’cause I forgot my phone today)
            Arctic foxes have many color morphs, but not as many as red foxes!

            Whoa whoa! Arctic GBs?! Oh dear….how close to the Red fox GB will they be because this girl right here needs to know if I need to prioritize my Grab bag spendings because if I have to choose I’d choose spending first on the arctics!

            Wow, I may need some smelling salts as I feel a bout of the vapors coming on lol!

            I plan to have Arctic foxes and red foxes at the same time, so folks can combine shipping if they want both.

            Then I’m definitely going for the Arctics! I love the red foxes but the Arctics and their cute lil ears just take precedence for me. Who knows I may just go on a frantic money scrounging hunt and buy both, we’ll see!

            I am so excited! *Happy Dance*

            *Formerly meowmix101
            Not currently open for PYO commissions.


              Awesome! I’m going to need an arctic fox and a red fox! Before October since I’ll be going on vacation too!

              Whats a “vacation” ?

              LOL!!!! My parents have a time share, which is the only way we could afford a vacation since we don’t have to pay for lodging. It’s also the only time they get to see me and my two kids. It’s been a yearly thing for four years now. We spend a week in a condo on North Myrtle Beach. Can’t wait! This year it is just going to be a ton of us taking up four separate condos. Three three-bedrooms, and one two-bedroom. Four generations will be present.

              Love baby kirins, safari poads, mini keepers, and anything BLUE, BLUE, and, oh yes, BLUE.


                One last question, okay….two, will the Grab Bag Arctics be around the same price at the Fennecs? And how big is this batch going to be, small like the fennecs or big like the red foxes?

                *Formerly meowmix101
                Not currently open for PYO commissions.


                Good question… also, I’ll only be able to get one unless they’re spaced a week or two apart. Is it that way for anyone else?

                [i]Keeping an eye out for fantasy gryphons and test paint dragons.[/i]


                ooh….both red and arctic…..? Do you know a price range on these? >.>


                  So would there be a limit on one of each or two of each? This is such bad timing for me because I would love to get both but I will not have more money until the end of Sept. plus I am moving for Oct. 1 and spending all my money on a deposit and rent. If they were like another month then I could get both maybe. Too many pebbles are coming out too fast for my money to catch up!

                  Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                    Oh snap, Gb of both ready at the same time? Melody, don’t rush for me 😉 I gotta find some more monies! Lol! 🙂


                      One more request, I promise it’ll be my last (For the day, heehee)! Could we get a sneak peek of the GB Arctics?

                      *Formerly meowmix101
                      Not currently open for PYO commissions.


                        Here’s a sneak peek of the Arctic foxes that Melody posted on DeviantArt! So many ones that I want lol!


                        *Formerly meowmix101
                        Not currently open for PYO commissions.


                          My, oh my, I am in lurv!!! Will definitely need at least one :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

                          tdm :love:



                            Awesome! I’m going to need an arctic fox and a red fox! Before October since I’ll be going on vacation too!

                            Whats a “vacation” ?

                            LOL!!!! My parents have a time share, which is the only way we could afford a vacation since we don’t have to pay for lodging. It’s also the only time they get to see me and my two kids. It’s been a yearly thing for four years now. We spend a week in a condo on North Myrtle Beach. Can’t wait! This year it is just going to be a ton of us taking up four separate condos. Three three-bedrooms, and one two-bedroom. Four generations will be present.

                            Sounds fabulous! You’ll have a blast!


                              One last question, okay….two, will the Grab Bag Arctics be around the same price at the Fennecs? And how big is this batch going to be, small like the fennecs or big like the red foxes?

                              We haven’t set the price yet.
                              I keep counting and keep loosing count… around 200 of each; the red fox and arctic

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