
Apoxie Sculpt?

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      So, I was using white apoxie sculpt for a figure sculpture (I’m new to using apoxie). I ran out and ordered more but I mistakenly ordered SUPER WHITE insead of WHITE. I thought, eh, what’s the difference? Well, it was a big difference! It has less working time, it’s way too sticky and soft for me. It sticks to me better than my work. I. Hate It. It bubbled up on my sculpture too and now I have to sand it down. I’m not sure what’s up with that. Anyone know?

      Well, I won’t be using it anymore. I have a pound of it and I’d hate to trash it. I only used a pinch of it. Anybody want super white apoxie sculpt? I’d just ask you to cover the shipping costs.

      PM me if interested.


      What a shame! Thanks for the warning, I’ve never used the Super White kind myself and now will avoid it! That said, perhaps yours doesn’t have to go to waste. Contact the manufacturer and let them know your complaints about the Super White being so different from the regular kind. They may have had a bad batch, offer to replace yours with the regular variety, or have tips on how to make it behave better.

      Thanks again!

      Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!

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