Aphelia's PYOs

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  • #1543170

      Well, I finished my third little dragon. I’ve decided to name him “Red Velvet Latte.”

      I was hoping the different reds would come through better in the photos, but this seems to be the best I can do for the time being.

      Also, I took a few pics of Mr. Latte here with his friends.

      There are a few more pictures in the gallery, but these will do for here.

      I will be adding a fourth member to this little group soon, just have some final decisions to make about her design.


        Very nice😁

        Every act matters.No matter how small💞
        (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
        Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


          And… the fourth dragon is complete. Thankfully the colors on this one are bit more easily distinguished, so camera quality hasn’t muddled too much this time.

          Her name is “Shattered Flame.”

          In this case, I based her design from a sketch idea of mine, rather than a particular object.

          I ended up swapping around some of the colors, and adding a few extra details, but the base concept is still the same. I was going to use the picture of the whole group, but this one looks particular cute next to Caustic, I think.

          I especially had a lot of fun with these two, so I guess it makes sense that I’d like them the most. Perhaps it’s also because they’re the two with the most gradients in their color schemes… I love doing color transitions 🙂


            Shattered Flame looks awesome!!

            *Formerly meowmix101
            Not currently open for PYO commissions.


              Glad you think so, thanks! 🙂  That one took a bit more time than the others, but was definitely a lot of fun. I’m hoping to do some more detailed pieces in the future, perhaps a few with similarly “shattered” themes. For the next one, though, I already have a design in mind.


                I think it’s such a great idea to plan out/sketch your paint scheme ideas on paper first, I need to do that more rather than flying by the seat of my pants haha.

                *Formerly meowmix101
                Not currently open for PYO commissions.


                  I tried that but I still fly by the seat of my pants too😂

                  Nice paint jobs.👏

                  Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                  (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
                  Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


                    Time for the next one! I did sketch out a concept for this guy, but figuring out how to go about it in paint was… problematic, at least for a while. After a lot of hours trying different methods, and sometimes just staring at the sculpture in stagnation, I think this is what I meant for it to be.
                    I call this dragon “Lucid Dreamer.”

                    And one of the whole dragon-family together:


                      Very nice! I like the way you painted the scales on the keeper.


                        Oh WOW, this guy is awesome!!! So intense, I love it!

                        *Formerly meowmix101
                        Not currently open for PYO commissions.


                          I LOVE your keeper.Great job!!👏

                          Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                          (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
                          Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


                            Aw, thank you so much, guys! 🙂
                            I was worried all the eyes and stuff would be a bit much, so I’m glad y’all like it.


                              That is why I do like it😁 unusual and unique.Love the wings.

                              Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                              (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
                              Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


                                I was sorting my paints and putting them away again, when I noticed something I’d missed.
                                There were some tiny bow ties lying in the bottom of the box I’d been using… I’d forgotten to glue his on!

                                Problem solved! Now the big fella can be dapper as he dreams.
                                I still have to make his trinket from sculpy, but I’ll post a pic of that when it’s done too.
                                Also.. here’s a better angle of his left side, since the last one kind of had a shadow hiding most of the wing.

                                He doesn’t technically match with my collection, but I’m still so happy with how this one turned out.
                                When designing him, I wanted his look to scream “whimsy,” with just a dash of creepy. I plan to do similarly odd designs in the future.


                                  Oh, I *love* the tentacle look on his left wing! They eye on the right wing is great, too. And I really enjoy the rows of sideways eyes down his large scales – they’re just similar enough to the big wing-eye to be a theme, but the different angle makes them more subtle!

                                  The bow tie makes him very dapper. 🙂 Be sure to post pics once you have his dangly object completed; I’m curious to find out what it will be!

                                  Interested in buying or trading for: GB Pebble Sitting Red Fox in dark grey, Lap Dragon Test Paints (Water Sprite, Glacial Pearl, Opulence, Pastel Rainbow, and many others - see my Classifieds ad), Blue Morpho OW, GB Pebble Loaf dragons in blue/aqua/teal, and Griffin Test Paints (Black Rainbow or Frosted Jade).

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