Apeliotes – commissioned by starbreeze

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone Apeliotes – commissioned by starbreeze

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    Starbreeze gave me this picture of the black-chinned mountain tanager – that name bothers me something awful. Look at those lovely colors and the only thing they can think to call it is a black-chinned tanager. Sheesh!

    Anyway, and she asked for a Kirin. Here you go, star. The finish isn’t on yet, so I can still make changes. He’s my first kirin with a male name. 😀

    I hope you like the color placement. It took a lot of thought, and I was glad for some of Mom’s pointers.[/img]



      Wow! He’s very stricking! I do like how you colored the scales and made the two toned mane.


      Fantastic job. I love the blue stripe down the back; you followed the tanager with great artistic interpretation! Husband actually liked it too.


      Beautiful! You captured the bird’s color scheme very well.


        That’s beautiful, GB!


        Very pretty…I love the work you did on the scales.

        Bright bird and kirin, need shades. 😆

        I agree with you on the bird name, doesn’t do it justice at all.



          Wow, GB!!!! He’s perfect!!! I wouldn’t change a thing!!!! You are sooooooo talented!!!! 😀


            I love it, too!!


              I think you transfered the bird’s colors onto the Kirin beautifully.


              Thanks so much, everybody. I’m glad you all like him. I had an awful time trying to figure out how to appropriately place the colors.
              Star, if you don’t mind, I will change one more thing before I put the finish on. I’m going to darken his muzzle. It seems too light to me.


              Never mind. Mom said to leave it alone. 😛


                He’s gorgeous GB!!


                I really, really like it GB. I think I will make the package come to my house. *goes and calls the P.O. to payoff the mailman*


                i think the color placements are good. very beautiful paint job.

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