
Apartment Woes

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    I have lived in the same apartment for 3 years now. I have had neighbors come and go and watched the management change hands. I had heard from some that the new management wasn’t very good but I never had a problem till now.

    Me and my fiance were thinking about buying a house so we were going to pay month to month. The manager talked with my fiance and offered us an amazing 1 yr lease. He lowered it by $300! I had to sign the papers so I went the next day. What was werid is he asked me what I thought it was worth. I knew it was low so I guessed about $250 lower. I signed the papers and so we lost $50. I didn’t know till my fiance came home and asked what happened to the price he was offered.The manager tricked me since my fiance wasn’ there! We went to complain but the papers are all ready signed and they were very rude about it.

    To make matters worse the cute lil family that lived below us moved. It was vacant for a few weeks. Last night at 11 I heard alot of noise from down stairs. I went to out balcony to see what was going on and was about knocked off my feet by the smell of incense. Now I love incense but I am allergic to most of it. I had a mini allergic reaction, my eyes started to swell and I couldnt stop sneezing. I ran to the shower but it wasn’t getting better. I figured this out because it seemed the incense smell was coming through the vent! I don’t know how much they were using but it had to been a large amount. They came and left. I have a feeling they are moving in today. It seems they use incense for religious purpose. But there is no way I can still live here if they continue to burn all that incense. I am sneezing even now this morning. I have a feeling when I go talk to the management they aren’t going to do anything. I am going to hate to have to move back home with my mom not to mention I am not sure what the penilty is for breaking a lease. Ugg!


      What lowlifes! If your finance agreed to the $300 less, why put this question to you at all? They knew the amount. Too bad you didn’t guess $400 and see what they’d do! And now the new downstairs neighbors with the incense? Seem like your health is being adversely affected by it. From the sounds of it you’re right, management probably could care less!

      I don’t know how things work in your state, I’m not a big legal buff but it seems that if your health is at risk and management knows about it but refuses to do anything then you should be able to vacant without having to pay fees for breaking the lease. My guess here. Get a doctor’s letter confirming that you have severe adverse reactions to things like this to back up your claim.

      Unfortunately, I have the feeling that this management could care less–was underhanded about how they got you to sign the lease at a slightly higher amount than what was offered to your finance and tie you up for a year! Didn’t your finance tell you how low the amount was? Seems like there is a miscommunication going on here!

      So let management know that you have severe allergic reactions to the large amounts of incense being burned–maybe this was some sort of purification rite before they moved in and won’t happen again. But let them know that if it continues that due to health reasons, you won’t be able to stay there. The ball is then in their court. Also, document everything thing that goes on here–dates, times, what took place etc. If you have to go to court, you’ll be ready.

      Hope all works out for you–it’s hell being trapped in a place that reeks havoc on your health!


      Oh ugh!
      I am sorry Griffinlover! I had something similar happen…It wasn’t incense though. I never knew what burning crack/meth smelled like until the new management at the old apartment I lived in took over and moved in a family of crackheads below me…A family of3 living in a 1 bedroom apartment. The baby always screaming, and them always fighting. The first landlords were great, and the first inhabitants of the other 3 apartments were great. Then came the crazies next door to me…the crackheads below me, and the family of 6 in the other one. I was there for 5 years…I’d been there longest, so I got to the point I just went to the other apartments and complained rather than going to the stupid landlord. 😉 Heck, here is how interested the landlord was at this place… Rent = due on the 10th every month, he would show up 2 to 3 weeks later for it. He let the building go into disrepair (things falling off, like gutters, and the wooden window sills) and he blatently just didn’t care. 🙄
      Funniest part was I worked for my old landlord and ragged him every chance I got for selling. He was so mad this othr guy let it get so bad there! I told him it served him right and I used to have a good landlord! 😀
      I definately feel for you in this instance. But I am in agreeance with the health issue. I think that if you got a letter by a physician stating you are so severely allergic to that stuff, that even if they tried to take you to court over a few months rent they would get laughed at. But, try the route of asking for the people downstairs to please stop burning those things. If they refuse to, then you may have to move… 🙁 Which sucks, trust me I know. 😡
      *hugs* Hope things get better! 🙂


      Everyone has already given excellent advice; you might have a way out of your lease if your health is negatively impacted by your new neighbors. Try to find out the laws where you live regarding breaking a lease; I think they’re different in each state. It would also give you some direction on what steps to take if your new management doesn’t care about your health issues, which I don’t think they will. Please continue to let us know what’s going on!


      WindstoneCollector wrote:

      Oh ugh!
      I am sorry Griffinlover! I had something similar happen…It wasn’t incense though. I never knew what burning crack/meth smelled like until the new management at the old apartment I lived in took over and moved in a family of crackheads below me…A family of3 living in a 1 bedroom apartment. The baby always screaming, and them always fighting. The first landlords were great, and the first inhabitants of the other 3 apartments were great. Then came the crazies next door to me…the crackheads below me, and the family of 6 in the other one.

      Oh my! I give you kudos for staying there!

      WindstoneCollector wrote:

      But, try the route of asking for the people downstairs to please stop burning those things. If they refuse to, then you may have to move… 🙁 Which sucks, trust me I know. 😡
      *hugs* Hope things get better! 🙂

      They seem to be Hindu and I don’t know how that would affect their worship. I don’t want to offend them into thinking I am anti Hindu or anything 😕

      LadyFirebird wrote:

      Unfortunately, I have the feeling that this management could care less–was underhanded about how they got you to sign the lease at a slightly higher amount than what was offered to your finance and tie you up for a year! Didn’t your finance tell you how low the amount was? Seems like there is a miscommunication going on here!

      He did told me but I had forgotten the exact amount. I should have called him but he was at work. I did feel pressured to sign it right at that moment since our lease was about to end. I feel like the manager was talking down to me because I was a woman. 👿

      Thank you all for the great advice! I am going to look into the laws here and look over my lease contract. I am going to the Allergy Doc next friday for my weekly shot so I will get her to write me a note stating I am allergic to incense. There is a nice lil house down the road for rent. It has a nice big yard. Maybe all this is happening so I can move out and have more room for my dogs 🙂 I will try and think positive.

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