
Anyone play GuildWars?

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      Stephanie wrote:

      Jennifer wrote:

      Guildwars never could catch my attention. I still enjoy playing Horizons, I like playing as a dragon way too much! 🙂

      There’s a game where you can play as a dragon? I’ve been looking for one for years! I’ll look it up when I get home. “Games” is blocked on my computer at work. 😕

      Horizons has a great community and it’s quite fun playing as a dragon ^^


        DantheDragon wrote:

        Stephanie wrote:

        Jennifer wrote:

        Guildwars never could catch my attention. I still enjoy playing Horizons, I like playing as a dragon way too much! 🙂

        There’s a game where you can play as a dragon? I’ve been looking for one for years! I’ll look it up when I get home. “Games” is blocked on my computer at work. 😕

        Horizons has a great community and it’s quite fun playing as a dragon ^^

        Are you still playing? I’ve been so busy it’s hard to get on most nights. :/ Sometimes I log onto the Roleplay shard just for a change of pace too.

        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
        My art: featherdust.com


          Nah, I canceled my account (along with several other subscriptions I had all over the net) due to intense guilt for mucking up a rebate and losing a good hunk of money 🙁 I told myself I wouldn’t waste any more money on internet things I didn’t use enough to rationalise the cost and alas, Horizons was one of them. I never logged on much since I play WoW with my friends, and my old guild on Horizons was gone anyway. I gave my cave away (as it had been given to me by a departing player) and a few hundred silver to another newbie and left 🙁 *sniffles* I tried to wait around until I saw you on so you could refer me to someone who could really use the stuff, but alas I never saw you.

          I’ll miss my draggy ;_;


            I tried to get Horizons but when I went to register it wouldn’t take my credit card. For some reason it still let me play but never would charge my card. When I asked customer service about it they told me they had been having problems and didn’t know when it would be fixed. I stopped playing since I was never charged for it and I felt bad (like I was stealing).


              Yeah, that’s what happened to me. For a long time I wasn’t being charged.

              The company was sold again however, and it has been fixed, so billing is working now. I think the company that has it now is doing quite well by the game rather than the last company who said they had a lot of plans for it and then just let it rot.


                The company that owns it now are players of the game and the people that helped make it in the first place… they have billing fixed and are working very hard to improve the game and bring us new content. 🙂

                Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                My art: featherdust.com


                  Jennifer wrote:

                  The company that owns it now are players of the game and the people that helped make it in the first place… they have billing fixed and are working very hard to improve the game and bring us new content. 🙂

                  Yeah, I felt bad withdrawing my support (at least financially) from the game just when it looked like things were looking up. I don’t plan on staying away forever though. I look forward to seeing what changes they make 🙂


                  that sounds really cool that you can play as a dragon. Sigh…once i get my Phd, the world will be at my feet, and I will trip over it.


                  I signed up for the trial on Horizons. I gotta say, that’s a pretty cool game. I’m only lvl 4 and still in the starter zone but I like what I see and the playstyle. I’ve been looking for something to keep me occupied when I’m burnt out on WoW, maybe this is it. Thanks for the recommendation.


                    Kachina wrote:

                    I signed up for the trial on Horizons. I gotta say, that’s a pretty cool game. I’m only lvl 4 and still in the starter zone but I like what I see and the playstyle. I’ve been looking for something to keep me occupied when I’m burnt out on WoW, maybe this is it. Thanks for the recommendation.

                    Which server do you play on? I’ll come visit you when I see you in game. What’s your name in game? 🙂

                    Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                    My art: featherdust.com


                    I’m not on the Rp or the test servers, I forget their names. 😳 Just the regular pve server. The name is Kachina. Saturnshade I think was the last name. I just made something up. 😆

                    Can you recommend a good online guide? I really like the Bradygames WoW guides and James’ online leveling guides and would love to find something like that. I think Horizons does have a Brady guide if I saw true, I may have to grab it so I can get a handle on the technical stuff. There’s a lot that confuses me, or takes longer than it should and I know there are shortcuts, gotta be!


                      I found this guide extremely useful for Horizons. 🙂 http://horizons.gamersinfo.net/guides/default.php


                      Thank you, just what I was looking for.


                        Kachina wrote:

                        I’m not on the Rp or the test servers, I forget their names. 😳 Just the regular pve server. The name is Kachina. Saturnshade I think was the last name. I just made something up. 😆

                        Can you recommend a good online guide? I really like the Bradygames WoW guides and James’ online leveling guides and would love to find something like that. I think Horizons does have a Brady guide if I saw true, I may have to grab it so I can get a handle on the technical stuff. There’s a lot that confuses me, or takes longer than it should and I know there are shortcuts, gotta be!

                        That book is so out of date it’s scary. It’d probably confuse you more than help… they published it before they knew anything about how the dragon race was going to be played. 🙂

                        Sounds like you are on Chaos! That’s the server I play on too. Nambroth is the name I use ingame. The guide that DantheDragon posted is a very good one. If you get stuck in game or have a question, it’s good to hang out on the Dragons chat channel, there are always folks in there that will answer a question!

                        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                        My art: featherdust.com


                        Thank you Jennifer, I appreciate the tips. 😀 It’s lots of fun getting to be a dragon. I mean, I have the netherdrake mount in WoW and I control that, but it’s just not the same. Plus the level of customization is just awesome!

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