Anyone on the East Coast?

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      SPark wrote:

      Most of them are in the same place every year. There’s a good list here: Just scroll down a bit.

      I go to FurtherConfusion every year now, and I hope to add Anthrocon to that this year. *crosses fingers*

      Wow! Thanks for the link! I see that there is a very new one in Montreal… I will definitely be checking it out next summer! 😀


        HAHA! That CSI episode was funny! Trying to tell my parents that no, furry cons aren’t like that and neither are the gaming cons I’ve been to either.

        I’d love to go to Anthro-con, but not sure if my schedule and income can handle it this year *sigh* If I get to go I’ll have to look you up SPark!

        Yeah… I definitely got some comments and looks from work with my ren garb one time (took the afternoon off to drive almost 3 hours to Syracuse for a friend’s medieval wedding and I needed to change beforehand. They were rather good natured about it though 😉 The people seeing me outside walk the 2 blocks to my car in downtown Saratoga (during the summer racing season) were a bit unsure of how to react (though I did get a few comments from some punk guys about the bodice 😀 )


        I wish I could make it to AntroCon myself. But my partner in fursuits is going and taking some of my work. Both suits and art. Wish I could meet you guys!

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