Anyone know of a GRAND UNICORN?

Home Forums Administration Flea Market Anyone know of a GRAND UNICORN?

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    According to Astral Castle, the Grand Unicorn (white, truly rearing unicorn JSYK) isnt yet retired but is apparently not being sold by them and is seemingly unavailable this year. I havent even been able to find him in previous years (not many stores where I live sell new age stuff which is predominantely where Ive found Windstones; new age and dead head stores and the occasional Hallmark).

    Does anyone know if a store near them sells him? If so, would you be willing to PM me with info about the store such as phone and addy?

    Perhaps I should even ask if anyone here is willing to sell their own Grand Unicorn, but some how I would doubt it (my opinion). If you are, what would you be asking for him? Id trade you something for him but I doubt I have anything that you dont already have or would want. Im trying to put the final touches on my unicorn collection so if anyone ever hears of this beauty coming available here or anywhere (store or eBay- tho I watch there), please try to remember me if possible and shoot out a PM if you could. Id be most grateful.

    Thanks all and have a wonderful weekend.



    Talk to Emerald…she is able to order them from Windstone, I’ll be getting one from her soon.



    Little new to this but I did a search for author “emerald” and came up empty. How do I find her so I can PM her? Thank you for the advice by the way.


    PhoenixTears wrote:

    Little new to this but I did a search for author “emerald” and came up empty. How do I find her so I can PM her? Thank you for the advice by the way.

    There you go, that should set you up.

    Also, she does layaway…how cool is that?



    You are amazing! Thank you very much! I just PMed her.


    PhoenixTears wrote:

    You are amazing! Thank you very much! I just PMed her.

    I hope you found a grand unicorn!


    I know of a few around but the money isnt around yet 😆 I have to get the rest of my Windstones sold off and pay my pressing medical bills first. And though I know that someone wants to buy him as a gift for me, Im still bent on having the money myself. Sounds silly but theyve done enough for me and continue to do so but I believe if it’s meant to be, the Grand Unicorn will come to me (wouldnt it be loverly if it was the black one that came to me… yea, that might happen… “and monkeys might fly out of my bum”… what movie was that from?)


    I know a shop thats got the whole family and some pegasus’s but they will charge you $100’s to post and they don’t reply to emails 😕


      😯 Wow! I just contacted that first website’s email address asking what they will charge for shipping to my zip. That is by far the best price Ive seen for him. Lets hope that the shipping doesnt make up for it. From what Ive seen, those that have had free shipping have had him at a steady $145. And those that have advertised him at a lower cost, their shipping costs make up the balance so that it equals out to the same cost of $145 anyway.

      His shipping would have to be $26 from TN to FL to make that difference, so we’ll see.

      But most of all, thank you for your responses, links and info.

      The shop that supposedly charges 100s for shipping… are you talking about the white Grand or the even more elusive if not extinct black? The not replying to emails is a huge red flag for me as I dont consider than good customer service. Ppl who buy from you are your bread and butter so you should do all you can to keep them satisfied and hooked or on the line- communication is essential so that would drive me batty. If it were the white, Id not even bother. Now, if it were the black, maybe my brother in law would fly out there and pick it up (not kidding).

      Thanks you guys for remembering this thread and returning to it. I really appreciate it.


      If it were back i would have brought the shop full the second i saw them. I don’t think they use their website anymore.


        PhoenixTears wrote:

        The shop that supposedly charges 100s for shipping… are you talking about the white Grand or the even more elusive if not extinct black?

        You would probably not find the black grand in a shop. Only 5 went out to shops for test marketing over 10 years ago and they are surely long gone.
        The remaining ones sold on direct on ebay and I’m sure the new owners are holding onto them tightly as we speak. There were only 12 sold on eBay. There are only 18 of them in the entire world, and one is Melody’s. Incredibly rare! Most of them sold for $1,000 or more.

        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
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        I think it was Wayne’s World witht he monkeys flying out of butts. 😆


        Nambroth wrote:

        PhoenixTears wrote:

        The shop that supposedly charges 100s for shipping… are you talking about the white Grand or the even more elusive if not extinct black?

        You would probably not find the black grand in a shop. Only 5 went out to shops for test marketing over 10 years ago and they are surely long gone.
        The remaining ones sold on direct on ebay and I’m sure the new owners are holding onto them tightly as we speak. There were only 12 sold on eBay. There are only 18 of them in the entire world, and one is Melody’s. Incredibly rare! Most of them sold for $1,000 or more.

        Thanks for that Nam 😀

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