Anyone know anything about skunks?

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      Skunk scent glands are kind of like the anal glands on a dog or cat, most like a ferret tho….They can be removed just like a ferret as well. Skunks are really cool animals, and like others have said before, if raised from being young can be tame. Have to be careful though, I think skunks are rather prone to the rabies virus.


        They are very cute. We had a baby skunk once. It was sooo cute. Little pink nose.
        I was going to suggest vinegar when a couple people mentioned feminine douches. It’s the active ingredient in feminine douches and far cheaper. It just needs to be diluted (not sure how much).


        Skunks definitely do not spray themselves intentionally. But often, controlling where the skunks are will help control the smell…

        I do recommend, since it sounds like you have dogs, to avoid feeding them outside. Pet food will attract not only skunks, but raccoons – both big problems for dogs (and disease vectors).

        Another thing I suggest is checking your fence for ground-level entry points that a skunk might get in. Skunks cannot climb, so if they are getting into your yard, it is because they have found a place in the bottom of the fence where they can get in.

        Another thing I want to throw in a quick warning about is rabies. Skunks are one of the creatures that can and do carry rabies without showing symptoms, especially in the western states. It is always a good idea to make sure pets are vaccinated for rabies to avoid any mishaps, doubly so if you think there are skunks in your backyard. This being said, probably isn’t ever a good idea to handle wild skunks (even cute little babies).

        If it was just a one-time event of smelling skunk-spray, then sit tight. It’ll take a while for the smell to go away.

        This random drive by wildlife-management trivia post was brought to you by the letter G, and number 7, and…

        Dark_Zorse – Fish Herder Extraordinaire


        Smell is all gone, thank goodness! Yes, up here rabies is always a concern(new hampshire). We don’t have a ton of it, but there is some. Doggies & kitties have thier shots, just in case 🙂


          Nirvanacat13 wrote:

          They can be removed just like a ferret as well.

          If anyone is wondering, the musc ferret scent have has nothing to do with what they spray. I had the joy and pleasure of working with the Toronto Ferret Aid Society and foster some once in a while. They did a rescue of cute baby ferrets who were being kept in rabbit cages and fed goat food (that in itself is just plain weird). Anyway, I had 2 little ones to look after. They were wild and had not been descented. At one point, we had to put them back in their cage after a romp and we ended up cornering the male. Smart move, yeah. He sprayed. Believe me, what they spray doesn’t stink as badly as a skunk, but it’s not too far behind!

          Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.

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            dragonmedley wrote:

            Nirvanacat13 wrote:

            They can be removed just like a ferret as well.

            If anyone is wondering, the musc ferret scent have has nothing to do with what they spray. I had the joy and pleasure of working with the Toronto Ferret Aid Society and foster some once in a while. They did a rescue of cute baby ferrets who were being kept in rabbit cages and fed goat food (that in itself is just plain weird). Anyway, I had 2 little ones to look after. They were wild and had not been descented. At one point, we had to put them back in their cage after a romp and we ended up cornering the male. Smart move, yeah. He sprayed. Believe me, what they spray doesn’t stink as badly as a skunk, but it’s not too far behind!

            Thanks for the correction!


              twindragonsmum wrote:

              AAAawwww!!!!!!!! What a cute little pew!!!! 😀


              purplecat wrote:

              twindragonsmum wrote:

              AAAawwww!!!!!!!! What a cute little pew!!!! 😀

              *heart melts*

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