Anyone know anything about puzzles?

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      Linen takes a little getting used to, but it’s not bad once you get the hang of it πŸ˜€

      twindragonsmum πŸ˜€



      Nirvanacat13 wrote:

      Soooo while I was debating taking the guys offer someone bid on the one puzzle….so then I had no choice but to decline his offer.

      Now the silly thing it already up to $40 😯 😯 and with 5+ Days to go.. 😯[/url]

      Just think…You’ll get to wtch others snipe your auction!! πŸ˜† (Sounds like the offer of $40 might have been a bit low, and that you may get a real good turn out for it! πŸ˜‰ )


      You guys are insane, cross-stitch is way outta my skill sets, just don’t have the patience for it.



        Kyrin wrote:

        You guys are insane, cross-stitch is way outta my skill sets, just don’t have the patience for it.


        I would imagine it’s something like spending hours and hours painting PYOs…… πŸ™„ Or something…. πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

        try listening to music or watching a movie while doing it…the background noise helps =P


        Kyrin wrote:

        You guys are insane, cross-stitch is way outta my skill sets, just don’t have the patience for it.


        Agreed. I’m not even patient while waiting to give my fiancee his birthday gift, much less for something that requires an endless supply of it… πŸ˜•


          Kyrin wrote:

          You guys are insane, cross-stitch is way outta my skill sets, just don’t have the patience for it.

          It’s not that hard (unless you goof on centering the pattern). πŸ˜†


            Kyrin wrote:

            You guys are insane, cross-stitch is way outta my skill sets, just don’t have the patience for it.


            πŸ˜† πŸ˜† Sounds silly, but it’s how I ‘reward’ myself for doing the housework (which I LOATHE 😑 ) I have to have something to look forward to doing or we’d all drown in the clutter and dishes and laundry and vacuuming and ad infinitum…

            Hey Kirin, we’re expecting snow this afternoon/tonight in the high country… How ’bout you?

            twindragonsmum πŸ˜€



            twindragonsmum wrote:

            Hey Kirin, we’re expecting snow this afternoon/tonight in the high country… How ’bout you?

            twindragonsmum πŸ˜€

            Please don’t send the snow east. My pellet stove decided to break yesterday and I’m hoping the repair guy can fix it when he comes today. ‘Til then I hope any snow holds off, it’s sure been cold enough for it though, lower 30’s at night.

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