Anyone in Canada?

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    I don’t know anything about Canada as far as where’s where but I found a guy in BC that has a dragon i’d like to buy. If anyone is from there and would be willing to pick him up and ship him I’d give you something for your time!



      I don’t think we have members in BC… If the person is not willing to ship to the US, but he’s ok to ship inside Canada, he can ship to me, and I’ll ship to you.

      Our lives can be so complicated! 😆

      Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
      I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


      dragonmedley wrote:

      I don’t think we have members in BC… If the person is not willing to ship to the US, but he’s ok to ship inside Canada, he can ship to me, and I’ll ship to you.

      Our lives can be so complicated! 😆

      He will ship here but he seems to think it’s going to cost $250. I’ve bought from Canada before and I don’t think it should be *that* much! What does it usually run in one area of canada to another? I can ask him if he’d do that because at least you would probably know how to pack him good and stuff 🙂


      What is he shipping that can cost anywhere near that much?


      An old warrior


        funny, I can ship an OW to Alberta with UPS and it’s only about 50.00.


        2Huberts is right, it should cost only 50-75 depending on which method you choose.

        Here is the Canadapost website. You can guess the postal code. All you need to do is go to calculate a rate.


          I shipped an old warrior to the UK, and it cost just over $100. That guy’s trying to stiff you.

          Romeo’s got the right idea; see the Canada Post website.

          BC is on the other side of the country for me; I’m closer to the Atlantic than to the Pacific.

          Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.

          I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


          I’m in Alberta, if you can get him to ship to me, then I could ship to you (for alot cheaper, however, I will probably not help pay for shipping, and tell him to ship UPS or something, and then I could ship to you).

          I think he’s trying to rip you off, though.



          maybe there is a new import tax to keep them darned Canooks out . The money could be going to build that northern fence and tighten up them boarders eh?? Seriously they are putting somthing up there for illegal immigrants cause you know thos crazy canadians and thier free medical care are just flocking here in droves hockey sticks in one hand and a molson in the other. how could they not want to pay an arm and two leggs for inadequite care when they could get it for free, makes them look kinda ghetto 😛


            Dragon87 wrote:

            I’m in Alberta, if you can get him to ship to me, then I could ship to you (for alot cheaper, however, I will probably not help pay for shipping, and tell him to ship UPS or something, and then I could ship to you).

            I think he’s trying to rip you off, though.


            Edmonton eh? When did that happen? 😀
            What side of town?


            Snapdragon wrote:

            Dragon87 wrote:

            I’m in Alberta, if you can get him to ship to me, then I could ship to you (for alot cheaper, however, I will probably not help pay for shipping, and tell him to ship UPS or something, and then I could ship to you).

            I think he’s trying to rip you off, though.


            Edmonton eh? When did that happen? 😀
            What side of town?

            I’m in the Abbotsfield area, it’s on the east side. Literally I’m right behind the mall… lol why? Are you in Edmonton????

            And I’ve been in Edmonton for about 2 years now, going to the UofA… since long before I joined this forum… hehe 😛


              Shesh you’re about 10 blocks from my apartment.

              I live in Claireview, BUT NOT FOR LONG – I just got the fax from the bank – WE’RE MOVIN’ BABY!

              I also own a share of Absolute Power Gaming in Claireview, by the Wal-Mart. I was working there full time until I took on this job building and running this new data center.


              Very random…. I’m entertained to know that I live so close to someone else on this forum.

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