anyone have pet allergies?

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      WOW! Thats alot of pollen. We have a tree out here that puts out yellow pollen like that, the pine trees are bad certian times of the year too.


      wow…that image is icky. though, i have gone out ot my car in the mornings with the windshild looking almost as bad. eek.


        Yep, we’re getting into the heavy pollen season too!! I could smell the first blossoms on the orange and grapefruit trees this morning. When it gets bad, you can stand outside and watch the pollen falling out of the sky. 😯


          Edmonton has thousands of mature trees, we lost lots of them during a drought a couple years ago, but they are pretty and shade the street and the old 1920-1940’s houses… until you go back to your car and all those STICKY BUTT FREKIN SEED THINGS are stuck all over your car, windshield.. BAH!


          they can ruin your paint if you dont clean them off too, they will turn into like tar and are a b*tch to wash off, and will eat your paint if you let them bake too ong.


            Yeah, you know what I’m talking about 😀


            what is the name of hte tree they fall from?


              I think the bottlebrush tree does that down here.


              Well at work we get lots of box elder bugs when summer hits. Those things crawl all over my desk and the floor. Yuck.


              How do they get in the building?


                I have some terrible allergies. I’m extremely allergic to cats and also apparently something that grows in chino. I was out there for a civil war reenactment and I kept getting so bad that I had to fall dead in the battle just because I was having trouble breathing. Then I took some puffs of my inhaler and less than an hour later i was having difficulty breathing again. Even with this I still decided to dance at the Saturday night dance. Big mistake. After the third dance I was having blurred vision, plus i managed to misplace my inhaler when i changed for the dance. While looking for it i ended up collapsing and lying in the tent til i could move again. I had to miss the third day of the reenactment because it simply got too bad.

                I would help but I am just to tired to get out of bed today~
                Engaged to a Weasel


                  And now it snowed all over again so we’ll grow even more mold.

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