anyone have pet allergies?

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    i grew up with cats. sometiems, i feel a tinge in my sinues. i have nto had regular exposure to cats for about 5 years.

    now, i find i am getting allergic reactions to dogs. if i am too close to one for too long, my inner ear hurts and my skin itches everywhere. i if stay exposed for several hours, my eyes do start watering and throught feels swollen.

    has anyone else had the sking itching reaction to dogs long before the watery eyes?



      I have recently developed bad allergies to cats….watery eyes…itching sneezing you name it….

      but what’s sad is we have a long haired cat at the house….and I can pet him for an hour and not have problems….but if I go to someone’s house that has cats…it’s horrible…

      we give our cat a real bath every so often….wonder if that has anything to do with it

      I’m not sure about dogs though….I don’t see that many people with dogs around here anymore….


      i do know that male and black cats are the worst offenders.


      The reason you don’t have trouble with your own, is your body acclimates to it from the time it was young. Other cats have different allergen antibodies that your body isn’t used to. Being an allergy sufferer, I know.


      I will have a slight reaction of any cat, mine included, rubs under my chin, otherwise I am fine.


        I am extremely allergic to cats. I didn’t have any problems when I was a kid; it developed much later. Fortunately, I don’t have any problems with dogs.


        I’m allergic to everything except mold. I love my cats, and I’ll always own a cat, even if my allergy specialist thinks it will kill me at some point 🙄 . My cats only bother me if I’m having a sever allergy attack from something else.


        This year it isnt cats its snow mold that is killing us this much snow I guess made way more of this crap.


        gryphondreamer wrote:

        i do know that male and black cats are the worst offenders.

        Really? I had no idea… Good thing I’m not allergic to the little hairballs, then! Both my babies are males and one is the blackest black cat I’ve ever come across. Add to that the fact that he likes to sleep on my pillow and I usually wake up with a tail up my nose… I’d have allergic-reactioned myself to death by now.


          I wasn’t allergic to anything when I was younger, but as over time I have developed seasonal allergies. I’m not sure if I’m allergic to cats because some I start sneezing and others I’m around I’m fine. For example, a friend of my mine had a small apartment with the litter box inside and I had the whole sneezing and water eye thing. Another friend had two cats (indoors) who vacuums frequently and uses hepa filter air cleaners and I’m totally fine.

          Something about pet dander I think.


            It’s usually the dander of the animal that causes the allergy. I am allergic to my cat Claire, and my husband has more trouble with Katie. Neither of us are allergic to Merlin, but he’s still pretty young and very clean. I also have seasonal and mold allergies, and wool/lanolin allergies so I take a Zyrtec everyday. This seems to help, but Claire has to sleep by my head at night and sometimes she makes me sneeze anyway. I’ve had her for almost ten years (since she was one) and I still have trouble with allergies around her, especially if I’m gone for a weekend. When I come back, it takes me a while to adjust to her again, so I think there’s something to the whole “being used to the cat” thing, but for me at least it doesn’t get rid of it completely.


            I don’t have any allergies except for soma and sulfa (medicine).


              ruffian wrote:

              This year it isnt cats its snow mold that is killing us this much snow I guess made way more of this crap.

              +1 I sneezed at least 30 times yesterday, I was outside quite a bit. My eyes keep running too and I don’t have any pet allergies, so we figure this is what’s doing it.


                At least not everyone is getting this insane pollen. Not that the stuff in the photo causes allergies.. it’s the pollen you can’t see with the naked eye that causes allergies.
                But, this table was a spotless glass top table, and then we put it outside on Thursday.
                The pollen count broke the all time record with 5,900 here.

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