Anyone get the NEW eBay rules?

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    I contacted ebay through their email process and was a bit gruff though professional however, they could ban me for being the gruff I was. I havent heard back yet but it’s too soon.

    As for neutrals, ebay told me LONG time ago when I live chatted with them about the new ebay rules when they were first announced. I asked if my 100% score would be affected even if Im not on ebay all the time. We went through this in depth and she said no, your 100% will stay in tact as long as you dont get negatives. She said neutrals will not change the score either way.

    Remember I came on here and complained about a seller who sent a Windstone in a shoebox?! I had tried to contact her to ask her why she didnt insure it when I paid for that, why it was sent in such a box and smashed to bits (the box) and fragile not written on it, etc. I sent several of these contacts to her and she ignored me. She never left me feedback UNTIL she saw I left her a Neutral feedback. She left me a retailiatory Neutral for me when I as a buyer, did NOTHING wrong. I paid her within minutes of auctions close and kept in touch- she never did. But darn if she didnt respond after she saw the Neutral (which should have been negative on my part but I feared she would be the way she was and retaliate). I didnt deserve that neutral whatsoever.

    Plus, ebay told me that neutrals in the new regime will not change scores at all. We had a long talk about my not losing my 100% status until we were both blue in the face. I was assured that no matter how much or little I use ebay, that having ALL positive FBs for so many years and a simple one retaliatory neutral would not affect my 100% score AT ALL. That was straight from ebay. Now I say they lied, the friggin losers.

    I’ll wait to hear back from them but this puts enough of a craw in that Im about to boycott the crap out of ebay in my own little way. I know they wont care but it will appease me. Dammit, Im SO pissed off you have no idea. Im so freakin tired of doing nothing wrong and getting slammed for stupid crap anyway. 👿 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡

    Sorry to rant to you guys. Thanks for being there.


      With the new system you have two feedback “scores”. Your overall feedback number, which doesn’t change if you get a neutral, and the Positive Feedback (last 12 months). The new one is the percentage score I described earlier.


      then ebay lied to me and I get slammed for ONE neutral RETALITORY friggin feedback. I hate that seller to bits and I despise ebay. They can KMA! Losers!


        Did you at least reply to the feedback you received from the seller?


        pegasi1978 wrote:

        Did you at least reply to the feedback you received from the seller?

        Yes. Not that it makes a diff to anyone. They look at anyone less than 100% with a cautious eyes rather than reading all the way through their FB history. Theyd just assume I have negs than look me over.

        Im done with this (and no, Im not yelling at you). Ive just had as much as I can take today. 😥 😥 🙄 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡


          So sorry for you PhoenixTears 🙁

          I was looking at eBay and from what I read they probable mean that if in 12 months time you have anything other than all positive, that means you don’t get 100%.
          If They are all positive then it’s 100% for sure.

          Here is what I found:

          Recent Feedback (12 months Positive Percentage)

          Why is eBay basing the Positive Feedback percentage on the past 12 months and not on lifetime Feedback?

          A seller’s recent Feedback is more representative of the seller performance. Twelve months is long enough to show trends and patterns and will enable buyers to make more informed decisions. It is also is enough time to prevent a single bad transaction from having an overly negative impact.

          Please note that members will still be able to view the complete history and all comments will be available.

          How will eBay calculate the Positive Feedback percentage?

          The Positive Feedback percentage will be calculated by dividing all positive Feedback earned in the past year by all positive, neutral and negative Feedback.

          Will the change to the Feedback percentage, basing it on 12 months, also impact my Feedback score?

          The Feedback score (count of all Feedback earned) will continue to be based on all Feedback earned by the member since registration, except those withdrawn, de-scored or removed.

          Negative and neutral Feedback removal

          Now that sellers can no longer leave negative Feedback for buyers, will all the negative and neutral Feedback they have left so far be removed?

          Negative and neutral Feedback left for buyers prior to the change will remain unless the seller is suspended. Remember though that the positive Feedback percentage will only be based on Feedback earned in the past 12 months.

          What happens to negative Feedback left by currently suspended members?

          Negative or neutral Feedback left by currently suspended members will be removed beginning in May 2008.

          Will the negative or neutral Feedback removed due to member’s suspension be reinstated?

          Feedback removal due to member’s suspension is permanent and will not be reinstated for any reason, except if the member was suspended by mistake.

          May I still use online dispute services like SquareTrade to have negative Feedback removed?

          eBay will no longer accept Feedback removal requests from SquareTrade or NetNeutrals, even when both buyers and sellers agree to have the Feedback removed.

          Will Detailed Seller Ratings (DSRs) be impacted if Feedback is removed based on member suspension?

          Similar to what happens today, if eBay removes a Feedback rating for any reason, the corresponding Detailed Seller Ratings are also removed and will no longer impact the seller’s ratings.


            PhoenixTears wrote:

            pegasi1978 wrote:

            Did you at least reply to the feedback you received from the seller?

            Yes. Not that it makes a diff to anyone. They look at anyone less than 100% with a cautious eyes rather than reading all the way through their FB history. Theyd just assume I have negs than look me over.

            Im done with this (and no, Im not yelling at you). Ive just had as much as I can take today. 😥 😥 🙄 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡
            Actually if I see a seller that has something I want and they have less than 100% I go through and look to see what the reasons were. In your instance I would still buy from you.

            Heck I even look through sellers that have 100% feedback to see how they do on packaging breakable things, how quickly they ship out and how they are regarding communication. I actually decided not to buy from one or two 100% sellers because they had some positives with notes of “minor” problems.


              pegasi1978 wrote:

              Actually if I see a seller that has something I want and they have less than 100% I go through and look to see what the reasons were. In your instance I would still buy from you.

              Heck I even look through sellers that have 100% feedback to see how they do on packaging breakable things, how quickly they ship out and how they are regarding communication. I actually decided not to buy from one or two 100% sellers because they had some positives with notes of “minor” problems.

              😆 I do the same thing!
              I’ll even look at the feedback from a buyer that left negative or neutral to the seller I am interrested to purchase from, to make sure that feedback was well deserved or not. 😉


                I research feedback, too, PT. If you really need the sales, don’t give up…


                I research negatives as well, and often ignore neutrals. There’s a lot of idiots out there, and I’m sure that would be my conclusion about the person who gave her a neutral, were I to inspect an auction by PT and see that her feedback wasn’t ‘perfect.’ It’s ‘perfect’ by my book. 🙂


                  pegasi1978 wrote:

                  PhoenixTears wrote:

                  pegasi1978 wrote:

                  Did you at least reply to the feedback you received from the seller?

                  Yes. Not that it makes a diff to anyone. They look at anyone less than 100% with a cautious eyes rather than reading all the way through their FB history. Theyd just assume I have negs than look me over.

                  Im done with this (and no, Im not yelling at you). Ive just had as much as I can take today. 😥 😥 🙄 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡
                  Actually if I see a seller that has something I want and they have less than 100% I go through and look to see what the reasons were. In your instance I would still buy from you.

                  Heck I even look through sellers that have 100% feedback to see how they do on packaging breakable things, how quickly they ship out and how they are regarding communication. I actually decided not to buy from one or two 100% sellers because they had some positives with notes of “minor” problems.

                  I do the same. I regularly purchase (Well, okay, when I had money) from those that have less than 100%.

                  Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
                  My art:


                    Jennifer wrote:

                    pegasi1978 wrote:

                    PhoenixTears wrote:

                    pegasi1978 wrote:

                    Did you at least reply to the feedback you received from the seller?

                    Yes. Not that it makes a diff to anyone. They look at anyone less than 100% with a cautious eyes rather than reading all the way through their FB history. Theyd just assume I have negs than look me over.

                    Im done with this (and no, Im not yelling at you). Ive just had as much as I can take today. 😥 😥 🙄 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡
                    Actually if I see a seller that has something I want and they have less than 100% I go through and look to see what the reasons were. In your instance I would still buy from you.

                    Heck I even look through sellers that have 100% feedback to see how they do on packaging breakable things, how quickly they ship out and how they are regarding communication. I actually decided not to buy from one or two 100% sellers because they had some positives with notes of “minor” problems.

                    I do the same. I regularly purchase (Well, okay, when I had money) from those that have less than 100%.

                    Same here…. I research all feedback and try to make the most educated decision. I would have no trouble buying from you based on your feedback…. but I agree that it stinks for your feedback score to be messed with and not be 100% anymore…




                    It’s the principle of the thing. Ebay told me live, that when their rules went into effect, I would maintain my 100% feedback unless I got a negative. In all my years, never a negative. Ebay rules switch and I get knocked down to 98.5%

                    It’s BS and Im sick and tired of ebay- and they know it now.


                    See? This is whats going to happen to you percentage feedback score when you arent active for 12 months. To me thats such a scam for ebay to keep you actively on the line… like they need the money! So basically, the less you use ebay, the more your FB is going to suffer.


                      PhoenixTears wrote:

                      See? This is whats going to happen to you percentage feedback score when you arent active for 12 months. To me thats such a scam for ebay to keep you actively on the line… like they need the money! So basically, the less you use ebay, the more your FB is going to suffer.

                      Actually, thats pretty smart. Someone who is not active for 12 months, then suddenly comes back on could very well be a hacker. A year is a long time. People change in a year and could have gone from being a bad seller to a good one, or visa versa.

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