
Anyone else tackle Black Friday?

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      Did anyone else wake up bleary-eyed before dawn on Black Friday to do some shopping? If you did, were you successful? What treasures did you manage to find?

      I woke up and was at a store for their 6am opening to buy Breyers at 50% off (made off with 3 of them, but missed getting the last Christmas one :?) , run over to Home Depot to pick up gifts for dad (from my mom), Staples for blank DVD spinners (for dad and myself), BJ’s for my swarovski star ornament, and then off to the mall to look around for ideas for my mom to get me and do some people watching (and buy smelly stuff at Bath & Body with my gift card). Stopped at Hickory Farms for mom and at the grocery store for some essentials. Stopped at the bookstore on the way home to get my Scotland magazine and found a wolf calendar and a really nice wolf book on the bargain table (hard cover and by the guy who ‘lives’ with a wolf pack – the photos are just awesome). Stopped at my aunt and uncles for a quick stop on the way home, then came home and crashed for 4 hours with one of my dogs on the couch. I normally don’t wake up until 9:30-10:30ish 😆 Managed to get rid of my old PC that evening too (someone answered my add from the newspaper). My dad managed to get my jump drive for me at the Staples by his work (the store gets overstocked with everything and still had the big name items at 9am well stocked! I know where I’m going next year!) Overall, a very successful day! Best Buy apparently had a bunch of fights broken up this year (good thing I avoid them like the plague on Black Friday 😉 ).



          I woke up bleary eyed for Black Friday, but that was because I had to be in to work at Penney’s at 4am.

          People who line up two hours before the store opens give me the grumblies that early in the morning.


            The only reason I would ever consider getting up that early to shop would be for a Windstone sale, and even that would have to be online so I don’t have to get dressed. But then I’m a social phobic so crowds send me into a panic attack…and I’m totally impatient…so the two things together are a really bad idea when in a crowded place. 😯


            I was up at 3am, but only for work. I didn’t get off of work that day until 2pm, but I did end up going shopping yesterday, and today. Today I did good, I got a $30 helicopter for $15, special today only, and it was the last one!

            We also picked out a bunch of cool stuff for the kids and put them on layaway, thankfully KMart still offers it, our WalMart got rid of it last Oct, which I thought was rotten of them. They said the reason was because there are a lot of other ways for people to get the money to buy things, which is not true unless you collect credit cards. And I don’t.



              I went to one store on Black Friday, but I didn’t go until 10AM. I did get some good deals though. I did a lot of shopping yesterday. I’ve found that so many people go out on Friday, that the stores are reasonably quiet on Saturday, which proved to be the case again this year. I was able to finish about 75% of my Christmas shopping. 🙂


                I traveled to my In-Laws on Black Friday. The closest I got the the crowds was when I stopped for lunch. I stayed away from the mall yesterday as well (partly because I don’t remember how to get there on my own).


                  Yes, I’ve done Black Friday since before I can remember! I enjoy it as it is like a tradition in my family. I sprung out of bed at a little before 4 to get the 5am sales. As long as I had caffeine, I was rather peppy. I was with 1 group of relatives (the others started at a different 5am store and we met up a couple hours later). We went to a ton of stores, but I myself only purchased a few gifts for my 11 mnth old nephew at KBToys (as well as a gobbling Hippo at Walmart) and a few TV series DVDs at Target for my Dad.

                  siberakh1 wrote:

                  I woke up and was at a store for their 6am opening to buy Breyers at 50% off

                  Oh, I wish a store around here had Breyes on sale! I’m envious!


                  Rusti wrote:

                  I woke up bleary eyed for Black Friday, but that was because I had to be in to work at Penney’s at 4am.

                  People who line up two hours before the store opens give me the grumblies that early in the morning.

                  Ditto Rusti, I had to be at work at 5am til 2pm at Mervyns. The lines were…crazy long. I like it when it’s busy because time just flies right on by. I also got to tell the grumpy customers to “take a number” muahahaha. Our store opened at 4am but heck no I was not getting up at 3am to be at the store at 4am -.-


                    I didn’t bother, but stayed home and slept. 😀


                    I make it a point to try and have my Christmas shopping done by Thanksgiving exactly so I will not have to go to a mall between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I know I miss out on some good deals, but I can’t stand the crowds. Especially the screaming, shrieking, cranky kids. If I have to shop between the two holidays, I try to do it online or barring that, go really early.


                    There’s no sale that’s good enough to make me get up early before daylight and fight crowds. I stayed home where it was nice and quiet. 🙂


                    I’ve only done Black Friday once – mostly because 1)I always have to work and 2) I HATE crowds – I get very antsy. But one year my sister was working for Kohl’s and lent me her employee credit card. I needed a new vacuum and a mixer (I like making Christmas cookies). With the early bird specials and her extra discount I got them for about 60% off and saved a ton of money – at least an OW! But after getting up at 4 AM I had to work the whole day so I’ve never done it again.


                    There’s no Black Friday here. It was just a regular work day for me. 😀


                    Pfft- not a chance of me going out on Black Friday unless it’s to get some fast food. WE did finish our Christmas shopping for Kyle on Saturday though which was fun because it was cold, wet, miserable weather and no crowds!

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