Anyone else blinded by the obvious?

Home Forums Windstone Editions General Windstone Anyone else blinded by the obvious?

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  • #629584

      I’ve always loved the feathers on the dragons wings and thought that the ‘plumage’ on the males heads and down their necks was feathery also (imho 😳 ) sort of like quetzalcoatl from the Central American mythos, but a gentler version.




        Greater Basilisk wrote:

        lamortefille wrote:

        The black is my third mama, too and I never noticed her ear touching her wing either. I look at them 10x a day, too. πŸ™„ πŸ˜†

        The ear touching the wing was the first thing I noticed on Melody’s pic of the prototype. πŸ˜†
        It took me a while to notice the feathers on the dragons, though. Like, a few hours. πŸ˜›

        You have an artist’s eye, that’s why. πŸ˜› I know I don’t. πŸ˜†


        Maybe. Or it could be that I did nothing but hold the coiled emerald mama and stare at her for hours after I got her. πŸ˜†


          *nods* Could be that, too. πŸ˜† I am too uncoordinated to handle Windstones for long. I am always afraid I’m going to drop one:-/

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