Anyone… *edited* also looking for griffin opinions

Home Forums Windstone Editions Windstone Store Discussion Anyone… *edited* also looking for griffin opinions

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    Did anyone get a silver spectral or a rainbow ow or lap yet they can show pics of? Hard to decide when you haven’t seen them yet πŸ˜€

    So I don’t have any griffins and would like to get a male and female but don’t want to end up like the dragons where I want them in every color lol. So i’m deciding between (and I suppose they don’t necessarily both have to be the same):

    Wolf (I really like the green eyes)

    Stripy Winged Brown (I like the blue eyes)

    Pearl (I think I like the male in this but not so much the female)

    Black light tipped beak (with the peacock like colored wings)

    Maybe, If I wanted 2 males and 2 females eventually- I would decide based on availability. Such as, at this point I’ll have to find pearl on the secondary market. Does anyone know how long ‘wolf’ or black tipped beak (only currently avail. in female) or Stripy winged brown will be around. Or if any of them are limited.

    Just lookin for opinions πŸ˜€


      tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

      Did anyone get a silver spectral or a rainbow ow or lap yet they can show pics of? Hard to decide when you haven’t seen them yet πŸ˜€

      From Show you Windstone Collection Thread 5:

      WolfenMachine wrote:

      Yay, new shinies!

      The rainbow OW is simply breathtaking! He’s super glossy and smooth 😯


        I’ve been waiting for someone to post a pic of the Spectral! He looks so awesome.
        I need more money now! πŸ˜†


          I love my Rainbow OW but I couldn’t afford to get Silver Spectral as well :cry:. He’s very handsome and proud in all of his silverness πŸ˜‰ .


            The Rainbow OW is gorgeous… πŸ˜€



            The brown griffin male is retired, although some do show up on eBay. The ones with striped wings are sort of a painting “evolution” (they aren’t what was originally intended, but they sort of developed over time) and a little more popular. When the Mother Griffin mold was created, Melody (bless her!) decided to produce some brown mother griffins and brown chicks as Limited Production items. The first batch of mother griffins had plain wings, to match the plain-wing brown males. The stripy wing mother griffins are the second batch.

            Black Peacock–with the light beak tip or the dark beak tip–is also a retired color for the male griffin, and a Limited Production color for the female and chicks. I’m pretty sure that they’ve produced mother griffins in Black Peacock with and without the dark beak tip, although I could be mistaken. I know they talked about doing that.

            Pearl is Limited Production for all members of the griffin family and I don’t know if any more will be made.

            Wolf is Regular Production for all members of the family, and the most easily available.

            Hope this helps!


            Thanks! I think I will definitely do wolf color for my male I really like him in that color. Now to decide on the female..


              Here are some pics of my Griffins…Hope this helps you decide on which ones you want to add to your collection…. πŸ˜€

              πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€



              Hey thanks! Decisions decisions. Is the top one a wolf female? I guess I don’t care for her front end too much but that’s ok it just eliminates a choice! πŸ™‚


                Soon we will have pictures in the store. Thank you for your patience.


                  Yes the female in the pictures with the Wolf Male is a Wolf Female. As for the dark tip beaked Black Female Griffins, they were an error and there won’t be any more of those.


                    tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

                    Hey thanks! Decisions decisions. Is the top one a wolf female? I guess I don’t care for her front end too much but that’s ok it just eliminates a choice! πŸ™‚

                    No Problem…the forst pic is the Wolf male and the Second Pic down is the Wold Female… πŸ˜€



                    Save yourself the bother and buy ’em all. πŸ˜†
                    Of course my two cents would be to go for the Spectral, but that’s just Spectral-loving me…


                    I don’t like the wolf coloring because of the whiteish cream color on the head and down the wings and where the dark brown is placed, I don’t like the old tan color for the same reasons, too much white and it just feels off to me. The two black’s don’t really grab me either, and the white is too plain too. (weird that I like the white dragons and not the white griffins? maybe…:D ) I do like the beagle griffin though, he’s beautiful. πŸ˜€ I want a griffin family eventually, but I want different male and female and a chick for each color produced. Beagle male and now I need a new color for the mother πŸ˜€ something colorful I think. They’re gonna have a lot of kids when I finally getting around to collecting them.

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