Anybody else give blood?

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      I wish I could but I have been in Germany for too long. Im not eligible. 🙁 I like to at every opportuinity because its a way to give of yourself and potentially save a life.


      DarkLadyPhoenix wrote:

      Heh. being in the Military they poke us just for the hellav it sometimes.

      Well we need three samples. One for your *medical jargon* another for your lipids and another for your *medical jargon that sounds like if you say it bakwards he’ll say Psych!*

      I have really tiny rolly veins, so I told the guy, “Hey. You’re gonna need the baby needle.”

      (I always ask for it b/c it’s less painful too in addition to it’s the only thing that will fit in my tiny veins.)

      “No, I’m really good. Just watch”

      “You’re gonna need the baby needle.”


      “Dang. Let me try again”

      *stick* *stick* ;_;

      “Hmm… let me try the other arm.”

      🙄 “Okay…” Yeesh.

      “There’s nothing good on this side. Let me get Carrie”

      Enter Carrie

      “Hi. I’m really good.”

      I’m taping my fingers and thinking of what wonderful colors my arm is going to turn because I always bruise “Are you going to get the baby needle?”

      “I want to try. Of course he took all the good ones.” *stick*



      “Hmm… Let me go get Chief.”

      Enter Chief and sees me tapping my fingers.

      Why the hell didn’t you two use the baby needle? Now I have to try and find *one* instead of *a good one.”


      Some stuff I learned in my experience after being stuck so many times:

      1. Drink LOTS of water the day before you go and avoid caffine. This will make your veins easier to find.

      2. Don’t watch. Look at the table next to you. Talk to the guy. I had one guy do a “Breathe in” *stick* “Breathe out” and it was cake! well er. Easi-er I coulda hugged him if we weren’t both in uniform.

      3. Taking the needle out is actually more painful than putting it in. To me it feels like it’s still in there and lasts for a day or two.
      Haha, that is exactly how mine are. They have to get 3 people to try and get mine. I have told them to get the butterfly needle out and I tell them that they are small and they roll. Most of the time they have to get them from my hands or fingers… Which I think is better than the arms for me.


      I try to give about 3 times a year, though I do get bounced out for low hemoglobin often enough. I’m so looking forward to the day I hit the 5 gallon mark!

      I don’t look when the stick the needle in because I’m afraid I’ll flinch. I actually find the finger-prick and the rubbing of the arm right beforehand to be more painful than the needle. 🙄


        needles….shudders…. 😯


          I have a horrible fear of needles as well ._. I suppose I could will myself to endure it for the greater good, but I actually don’t weigh enough to donate so I’m off the hook, lol. Three cheers for those who take one for team humanity and donate ^^ You rock!

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