Any new anime lately…?

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      YaY!! 😀 Now there’s a whole board dedicated to what I spend most of my online time PMing you about! ^_^

      So, have you seen any new good anime lately? Or any good AMVs??
      I just watched the first four episodes of Trinity Blood – it was alright. I’ll probably find the rest.
      We’re re-watching Fruits Basket and remembering how gosh darn cute and wonderful that show is…I need the manga bad.
      and I know it’s not technically anime since it’s an american show, but I watched the second season of Avatar over the holiday weekend – we LOVE IT. It’s really good. I want a plushie of Appa SO BAD!!! Sky bison rule.

      …I want a Sky Bison PYO….

      "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
      -J R R Tolkien


        "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
        -J R R Tolkien


        Oh no. I hope Melody doesn’t get into anime now. There’s too much around as it is. Sorry, drag0n and Arlla, but that sky bison is so ugly.


          Awww, I think he’s cute!

          PS please post some good anime series, I’d love to get more into the genre, but there is so much of it out there, and most of what I have seen is crap…..Give me the good stuff baby!



            Before I ramble about anime, I LOVE AVATAR. I think Appa is adorable =) I want a Sky Bison plushie! Hell, I want a real one! (pictures herself riding Appa like Falcore from Neverending story) That would be SO CUTE! hehehe. I haven’t been working on any AMVs lately, but I do want to. I just have to download some new series becuase it is a royal pain to input the dvds into my computer and convert them over to avi files.

            Trinity Blood, I wanted to start watching that. I cause it in the middle somewhere and I got lost. Seems pretty good though.


            Generally ground breaking series (my favorites)

            Fullmetal Alchemist – I think it is roughly 19 DVDs long and 82 episodes. This the BEST SERIES EVER! It is funny and EXTREAMLY deep as you get closer to the end…yea…the end. The end was kind weird, but the movie cleared it up. Still ranking my number 1 series ever watched! Alot of real history and facts were involved and the names of half the characters wre derived from real famous scientists and alchemist from history. Beautuful animation and effects.

            Cowboy Bebop – 6 DVDS around 26 episodes I think. Really great for an action, sci fi, humor. A good combination of everything with good backstories…hehe..BANG!

            FLCL (Fooly Cooly) – 3 DVDs and only 6 episodes. This one is a mess & a little hard to follow, but is great. The characters are unforgettable, I can watch this over and over!

            Fruits Basket – 4 DVDs I think around 30 episodes but I forget exactly. Very cute, the manga goes really deep. The first 6 books are basically the series give or take a few extras. I just read book number 12. IT’S SO GOOD! I LOVE IT! The story gets SO MUCH better! I wish they would animate the rest of it

            Trigun – either 8 or 9 DVDs or boxed sets. I think the episodes run in the high 20s. Very funny, but still serious at times. Had a deep story once you got about halfway through it. It’s a classic

            Elfen Lied – 4 DVDs I think 16 episodes. Really intense series, a total blood bath! 😈 but with a good story. I like the fact that killing a little girls dog made her kill a bunch of little kids. I know I’m evil =)

            Samurai Champloo – 8 or 9 DVDs about 26 episodes. Okay, this is Cowboy Bebop, but samurai style. Mugen is Spike reincatnate….wel, I guess it would be the other way around. Best samurai series! Ruroni Kenshin got way too deep for me and I had to give up on it. Plus one a series gets past 100 episodes I try to avoid collecting it, haha!

            Other series I love, but you might not…

            Wolf’s Rain – 8 or 9 DVDs long, but you can get them cheap in box sets now. 26 + epidoses. Really deep series with beautiful animation. It is a bit slow moving, but it was very heart wrenching and moving *sigh* poor Tobue! *tear*

            Hellsing – 4 DVDs 16+ episodes. A rather interesting take on Dracula. I really liked this when it comes to vampire series. You have to be into vampires in the military to like it though =) haha! It’s still a classic!

            Elemental Gelade – 4 DVDs out so far and I think 3 or 4 to go. Around 26 + episodes. Kind of a cute series, for younger audiences as well as older. I don’t know why but it’s just so sweet! I think it was the ending that makde me love it so much. How often do you see an anime with a really good ending? HARDLY EVER!!!!!!

            Saiyuki – LOTS OF DVDS if you get all 3 seasons, but season 1 was the only good one. 1st season is about 8 or 9 DVDs and 30 something episodes. This series is HYSTERICAL! They changed the voice cast and the story got really weak in the 2nd and 3rd seasons, Saiyuki Reload and Saiyuki Gunlock. I wish the animation was a little better, but the dubbing more then makes up for it! LOL

            Ghost Stories – 5 DVDs about 20+ episodes. Okay, speaking of dubbing. If you download this series in japanese it is the most horrible, boring series ever! We wonderful Americans dubbed this to the point you will pee yourself laughing! All the way from Family Guy quotes to ragging on voice actors. To really bad pokes about some contreversial subjucts I can’t even list. It was like watching and anime version of South Park and Ghostbusters.

            DNAngel – about 9 disks and 26 episodes. Okay, I still liked the series, but the manga is a hundered times better. It was just such a beautiful series with a really hot cast =)

            Gravitation – 4 DVDs 16 episodes. Series about a struggling male singer who falls in love with a male novelist. It’s really cute and funny! I cosplayed as the guitarist, Hero, and was getting tackled by fan girls left and right! They broke my guitar!

            Peacemaker – 8 DVDs, maybe 9. high 20s in episodes. Another rellay well animated series. Had it’s moments, but was very involved. I really loved it, but the ending totally soured me. I guess the mange finished where the series left off, but I’ve yet to read the manga yet.

            Tenhjo Tenge – 9 DVDs, 26 + episodes. Fighting highschool kids. What with the Japanese samurai fighting schools? Do they really exist or what? Anyway, I liked it, but the ending once again pissed me off. Really nice animation.

            Gankutsuo – Awesome if you like the tale of Monte Cristo. If you don’t prepare to be bored. I LOVE they way they textured eveything in the series though. The animation is one of a kind.

            Kino’s Journey – I just saw this recently and it wasn’t ad. I little boring, but still pretty interesting. About a girl (who I thought was a boy through half of the series) and a talking moped who travel across the world and meet interesting new people and cultures.

            Ushio & Tora – 2 disk collectors set, about 12 – 16 episodes, but it never ended. This series is old school, but one of my favorites!!! About a demon who was trapped in the basement of this kids shrine and he sets him free and the fight demons together, though the demon isn’t so willing. He’s trying to eat the kid in half the series, it is really funny.

            Love Hina – 9 DVDs, 26 + episodes. Okay so one young guy in a house with like 7 girls and he’s their new landloard. Really funny and perverted at some times. Really cute too though. This one is a true classic! Has 3 movies too, but they were kind of lame. Like watching a lengthy episode.

            Negima – Okay, so Love Hina, but in a magic highschool and the boy is the teacher. I haven’t seen it all yet, but the first 4 disks are out and it’s pretty funny.

            Maburaho – Negima, but more perverted and not as much of a story. Just alot of random episodes thst don’t go anywhere. It’s like Harry Potter on smack! I still liked it, but Negima is better so far.

            Kamichu – I just finished watching this. 4 DVDs and 16 episodes. If you’ve ever seen Spirited away, it really reminded me of that. Caut series about a little girl becoming a God. Boring, but if you like cute and stories about friendship and crushes, then you would really love it.

            Burst Angel – 8 DVDs about 26 episodes. Oh my god, it’s a mecha series. I try to stay away from mecha, but this wasn’t BAD, but it wasn’t that great. About a buch of female bad asses. It’s like the futuristic Charlies Angels.

            Chrono Crusade – 8 or 9 DVDs 26 episodes. Alot about religion (heaven/hell/God & Devils) Really good though if you can get past the wordy conversations. It was a really good, but really deep series. I mean, she’s a nun with a gun, how much cooler can you get? Very sad ending though, but Chrono is so hot! *drool*

            Kyou Kara Maoh – Okay, I don’t know why I am listing this. I don’t know how long it is, but so far it’s in the 60s of episodes. Alot of it is basically pointless story and character development, but it’s about a kid who got a swirly and accidently got flushed down the toilet and became the King of the Demons. How could I not watch it! LOL!

            Saikano – 4 DVDs about 20 some odd episodes? Maybe less. It was so horrible I forget. Not horrible like I hated it, but I think I cried in EVERY DAMN EPISODE! Its a bout a girl who falls in love with aboy at school and then gets kidnapped and turned into the ultimate weapon. Very pretty animation and lovely artwork if you done mind seeing a crying little girl with guns shooing out her back and her arms ripping apart and turning into giant guns. It was so sad, she kept being forced to kill people and she was just a little kid she runs of with the boyfriend finally, but well. You have to watch it. Its sad. The manga! My god! You have to be 18 just to buy them. The series wasn’t NEARLY as graphic. Not blood, but borderline hentai. 😯

            Outlaw Star – One of my top series, but it was really weird as it got towards the end. All around my favorite sci-fi series. Spaceships and gun fights, romance and psychotic catgirls. =) I love it!


            If you don’t mind reading subtitles download these or watch ’em on Youtube if you can stand the tiny badly pixilated screen.

            Karin – referred to in manga as “Chibi Vampire” This series was awesome!!! It was hysterical and really cute as well. About a reject vampire girl that, instead of needing blood from people, she produced too much and has horrible nosebleeds if she doesn’t bite someone and give them her blood. It’s a wicked funny love story with a really good ending. I think it was 26 episodes.

            He Is My Master – Borderline pornographic, but in a funny way! These girls run away from home and become housekeepers/slaves to a little rich kid. It was really funny and had a few of it’s cute moments as well. My boyfriend is cosplaying as the horny alligator. HAHAHA! You have to watch it to understand!

            Disgaea – I only got to watch 2 episodes before they yanked it since it got copyrighted, but my boyfriend told me it was great. The first disk just ame out, but I haven’t got it yet.


            Battle Angel – Okay, I’m always had a soft spot for Battle Angel Alita, or Galley as she is called in the animation. Old school, but for some reason I love it.

            Akira – Okay, this is a classic no matter how many times I see an anime with a giant blob monster. One of the best anime movies out there.

            Fullmenat Alchemist – Conquer of Shambala. Okay, don;t watch this until you see the series or it will ruin the ending for you….youll also have no idea what the hell is going on. But as far as movies go it was AWESOME!

            3X3 Eyes – More like a short series, it was 6 hours long. I haven’t watched it in ages, but I rememebr I liked it.

            Madera – Weird movie, but really cool concept. The manga got a little weird. This was a long one too, like 3 hours long I think.

            Tree of Palme – Okay…don’t watch this! Unless your on acid or something. This was one of the weirdest movies I ever saw. I thought I was in a pink floyd video half the time.

            Studio Ghibli films – All of them are really good. My personal favorites are Howl’s Moving Castle, My Neighbor Totoro, and Nausica. Nausica was his first film. not as good of animation, but my favorite movie of his. Everyone like Spirited Away. I did too, but I don’t think it was as good as some of his others.

            On another note….

            I’ve always been a fan of InuYasha, Naruto, & Bleach, but they are like watching Dragonball Z in the sense they SO COULD HAVE TOLD THE STORY A HELLUVA LOT FASTER! The drag each episode out and NOTHING HAPPENS! Now that Cartoon Network latched onto them I just watch ’em on TV cause I’m not buying like a hundred DVDs for each series. Thank goodness for torrents! LOL!

            I have so many more, but my hands hurt…..I wonder why *looks at post* OOooohhh yea……..hehe. Sorry if I typoed alot. 😳

            Got a busted Windstone?
            *OPEN for repairs*

            *SEEKING GRAILS*
            Arc-en-ciel Emperor
            Siphlophis Male Dragon
            Calypso Hatching Empress
            Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
            Tattoo Mother Kirin
            Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
            Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
            Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
            Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
            Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
            Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


            😯 Next time I want to watch anime, I have the complete list…

            I can see that you’re an anime expert! 🙂


              LOL! I can’t even think of the names of half of them anymore. That was just rambling about ones off the top of my head. I have about 1,000 DVDs of just anime. I haven’t even watched like a 3rd of them yet! LOL!

              Speaking of which…

              Ai Youri Aioshi – 3 DVDs 16 episodes( I think I spelled that wrong) Very sweet series about an arranged marrige between two teenagers. A bit of comedy too. There is a 2nd season, but I have’t seen it yet.

              Ugly Yet Beautiful World – 3 disks, 12 episodes. Pretty decent, about an alien who comes to destroy Earth, but hits her head and forgets then falls in love with the kid who finds her in the woods. Some monster battles, pretty cool. I have an AMV for that one.

              I My Me, Strawberry Eggs – This was pretty funny. 4 disks, about a guy who goes to teach at an all girl school dressed as a woman to basicaly prove a man can be just as good of a teacher as a woman can.

              *sigh* Okay…I’ll think of more, I’m sure =)

              Got a busted Windstone?
              *OPEN for repairs*

              *SEEKING GRAILS*
              Arc-en-ciel Emperor
              Siphlophis Male Dragon
              Calypso Hatching Empress
              Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
              Tattoo Mother Kirin
              Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
              Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
              Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
              Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
              Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
              Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


              I lot of the ones that you mentioned sound interesting. I’m going to see if I can find them on Netflix.


                Oh Oh! How could I forget! Midoris Days! Okay, it’s about this guy who’s never had a girlfriend cause he’s so scary and always getting into fights. So one day he wakes up and his right hand it a tiny girl! It was so messed up but it was freaking hysterical and really cute too! LOL! I have to whatch that one again! It was pretty short too. Just 3 Disks

                Got a busted Windstone?
                *OPEN for repairs*

                *SEEKING GRAILS*
                Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                Siphlophis Male Dragon
                Calypso Hatching Empress
                Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                Tattoo Mother Kirin
                Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                Hmm…that sounds strange but interesting.

                But 3 disks is short? Isn’t that pretty long? How many hours is that?


                  Well, it’s probably like 12 episodes. Maybe 13. But for anime that’s not bad. Most of them are 26 to 32 and there are some like FMA that are in the 80s. Don’t even get me started on things like Naruto and DBZ. I think Even InuYasha hit over 200 episodes. That’s about 50 disks long. hehehe

                  It gets expensive so most of mine aren’t past 26, but I made an exception for FullMetal. I had to have that one. It’s great =D

                  Got a busted Windstone?
                  *OPEN for repairs*

                  *SEEKING GRAILS*
                  Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                  Siphlophis Male Dragon
                  Calypso Hatching Empress
                  Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                  Tattoo Mother Kirin
                  Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                  Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                  Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                  Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                  Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                  Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                  Holy cow…I had no idea that they made ones which had so many episodes. I’ve only watched a couple of anime series, and both of them were only in the 12 episode range — and I thought that was quite a bit! 🙂


                    LOL! There are some that have just 6 episodes, but most of them are pretty weak. The only series I ever saw pull that off if FLCL and man was it SO BEYOND any other one! They still spread it out on 3 disks though. Buncha cheapskates! only 2 episodes a disk. BLAH!

                    Ex-Driver was also 6 & wasn’t bad…..but also not that good. heh heh. Kind of like Speed Racer crossed with the Fast and the Furious. *shrug*

                    Got a busted Windstone?
                    *OPEN for repairs*

                    *SEEKING GRAILS*
                    Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                    Siphlophis Male Dragon
                    Calypso Hatching Empress
                    Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                    Tattoo Mother Kirin
                    Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                    Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                    Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                    Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                    Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                    Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                      Nice job Dragon! I like your descriptions. I can recommend most of those as well. Although there are a few I have yet to see that I’ll have to now that you brought them up. Thanks!

                      While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


                      Melody LOVES Hellsing. Okay, so me and Chessie and Melody all love Hellsing.

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