Any more Dragons in Amethyst?

Home Forums Windstone Editions Ask Melody Any more Dragons in Amethyst?

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        Okay, I know I’m being a pain, but I’m dying to know. Can we expect any Amythest Laps in the not so distant future? Or any Spectrals per chance? I’m sure a bunch of us wants to know – so I thought I’d ask 😳 . Thanks!


        Or any more of the regular Oriental dragons?


        49ER wrote:

        Or any more of the regular Oriental dragons?

        This. This, this, this! 😈


        SPECTRALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😮 😮 😮


          The Emperor and Empress are a MUST – PLEASE


            purpleturtle wrote:

            Okay, I know I’m being a pain, but I’m dying to know. Can we expect any Amythest Laps in the not so distant future? Or any Spectrals per chance? I’m sure a bunch of us wants to know – so I thought I’d ask 😳 . Thanks!

            We will be making more amethyst dragons as soon as we can cast enough. We are having a nightmare of a time getting good castings lately.


              I’m still hoping you’ll have more males, moms and fledglings made. Each time they were in the store I had no money to at the timebuy them. I wish I was rich…


                I wish I had never started with the Franklin Mint and had just collected one of EVERY Dragon Windstone had EVER made in EVERY color

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