Home › Forums › Administration › Flea Market › Any Intrest in an Injured Retired Hatching Emperor Dragon?
- This topic has 23 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 17 years, 1 month ago by VampireBiscuits.
December 8, 2007 at 8:37 pm #643809
I have an old peacock hatching Emperor dragon that was banged up in an accident. I bought him when I was a teenager- hes my oldest Windstone piece. One day years and years ago, my sister knocked him off of the shelf I had him on and his top jaw/nose broke off.
He was never formally repaired- somehow his nose is holding to his face with just water, because I dont know what kind of glue to use to fix him and wouldnt want to hamper the process for anyone else.
His nose will need to be glued back on (I doubt it will stay on his face in transit) and some chips painted/repaired over around the mouth where it broke off.
The jewel on his forehead fell off too about the same time as the accident, and a small blue jewel was glued in its place. He also has 2 small paint chips on the round flare next to his ear and an imperfection in the egg shell- I cant tell if its something that happened to it in its fall or just in the paint.
He still has his tag, but its a little beat up, as you can see in the photos.
But for someone who could repair this small imperfections, he would be a good find, as he is still quite beautiful- hence why I’ve kept him all these years. I want to see if anyone would be interested in buying him/taking him in as a project since he is a hard to find piece. If you are interested, let me know through a PM or on this thread, and let me know how much you would be willing to pay for him- since with his damage, I am not sure how much to ask for.
EDIT: The current highest offer is $50 so anyone else who is interested will have to go more than that.December 8, 2007 at 8:37 pm #493580December 8, 2007 at 9:38 pm #643810PM’d you! 😀
Looking for White Dragons! Grail includes the White Secret Keeper!
December 8, 2007 at 10:06 pm #643811Ok so anyone else who is interested- the current highest offer is $50, I’ll stop taking any offers on Monday.
December 9, 2007 at 4:55 am #643812To whomever gets him, I’m willing to repair him for you for $10 plus shipping, if you wish, you can have VB sent him to me first, to save a bit on shipping, so he wouldn’t have to make 3 trips.
Let me know. Bummer he got broken. I’m fixing another one of these next week, what is in the air that these guys are showing up broken all at the same time? Weird.
December 9, 2007 at 2:39 pm #643813I have an Emerald one who lost part of an ear, and has a chip in his wing. I got him that way though. I only paid $25 for him since he was broken on the display. It was a sweet deal since it’s mostly on his off side. He’d be a bit more of a challenge though. 😉
December 9, 2007 at 4:08 pm #643814WindstoneCollector wrote:I have an Emerald one who lost part of an ear, and has a chip in his wing. I got him that way though. I only paid $25 for him since he was broken on the display. It was a sweet deal since it’s mostly on his off side. He’d be a bit more of a challenge though. 😉
I’m willing to fix him for you, if you’d be interested.
PM me.
December 9, 2007 at 4:53 pm #643815I have to wait until after the holidays. But I will definately be pm’ing you after then. 😀
I can match paint fairly well, and whatnot, but I for some reason am having difficulties with the 3D effects. I did a pretty good job on my Merry Ghosts, but it was just the top spire. I don’t know what happened to it to break it off like it did. But, it hppened in the box. 😯 And, I am always careful to pack them the way they were when they were shipped out of the factory. 8) That was why I was so flabberghasted when I opened it back up after 6 months of being packed away and it was broke. 😡 It sat on a closet shelf and it never fell or was bumped. It was weird. 😕December 9, 2007 at 7:17 pm #643816WindstoneCollector wrote:I have to wait until after the holidays. But I will definately be pm’ing you after then. 😀
I can match paint fairly well, and whatnot, but I for some reason am having difficulties with the 3D effects. I did a pretty good job on my Merry Ghosts, but it was just the top spire. I don’t know what happened to it to break it off like it did. But, it hppened in the box. 😯 And, I am always careful to pack them the way they were when they were shipped out of the factory. 8) That was why I was so flabberghasted when I opened it back up after 6 months of being packed away and it was broke. 😡 It sat on a closet shelf and it never fell or was bumped. It was weird. 😕Sounds like a plan, just let me know.
Sorry to hear your castle got broken in the box. Glad it was a simple fix. Everyone has their talents, Purplecat for example has way too many…I want some of hers! (teasing, her talent blows me away)
I’m just glad I can provide a service. I was showing my roommate’s home nurse some of the ones I was fixing, and she asked me to fix a vase for her, so I have that to work on today as well.
January 12, 2008 at 6:25 pm #643817Here’s the Peacock Emperor after his repair.
The replacement jewel has been removed though, I hated it, and the glue that was all over his head removed, what kind did you use VB, that stuff was tough!
I requested a new jewel from Windstone and should have it next week.
The egg imperfection appears to have always been there from the factory, so I left it alone.
However, his front leg had a dent, upon further probing turned out to be pulverized under the paint, so I had to pull that all off and rebuild part of his leg. He’s looking pretty good though, once I get the new jewel in, he’s ready to go home and I’d like to think he is more or less back to original.
I can’t seem to get my camera to take up close shots without getting blurry, even after I adjust the settings…I really need to get an SLR!
Anyway, the repair was a bit more extensive than I thought, but he looks much better now.
January 12, 2008 at 7:17 pm #643818Looks like brand new!
January 13, 2008 at 12:06 am #643819He looks beautiful Kyrin! And as for the jewel and glue- my sister felt bad for breaking him so she took the jewel off of one of her toys and glued it on with god only knows what- I’m so glad you were able to repair him.
And I didnt even realize anything was wrong with his leg! I’m sure scorpiolady21 will love him.January 13, 2008 at 12:31 am #643820VampireBiscuits wrote:He looks beautiful Kyrin! And as for the jewel and glue- my sister felt bad for breaking him so she took the jewel off of one of her toys and glued it on with god only knows what- I’m so glad you were able to repair him.
And I didnt even realize anything was wrong with his leg! I’m sure scorpiolady21 will love him.That explains it, the glue was everywhere, and I had to scrape it off very carefully, but his whole head was anointed with it! Also it was very hard to get off, and I dared not use acetone.
When he fell the leg must have gotten hit, it only left a small dent appearancewise, but when I probed it with one of my tools that section disintergrated, all that had held it together was the paint! Glad I did that though, it would have fell apart later, after it was in its new home.
It was sweet of your sister to try to fix him though, but that jewel was so obviously not the right one, it bothered me, I tried to accept it, but I just couldn’t, it had to go. So I asked Melody for a new one.
Anyway, I’m really pleased with him. I wish the emerald’s were cooperating half as well, but their paint is not anything you can find, so I had to appeal to Melody for help, I just can’t match the factory colors, they are really vibrant and bright.
But I will prevail by Gods!
After all “stubborn” is my middle name!
January 13, 2008 at 11:22 am #643821I wondered about matching the emeralds’ paint….my scratcher has a ding. Good to know I should leave him be. 😆 Save that paint! 😉
January 13, 2008 at 4:31 pm #643822Kyrin wrote:I wish the emerald’s were cooperating half as well, but their paint is not anything you can find, so I had to appeal to Melody for help, I just can’t match the factory colors, they are really vibrant and bright.
What kind of paints are you using? I can match the factory colors with Golden paints. They are the nicest acrylics I’ve used. 🙂
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