Any idea the current value of a RF Rising Spectral

Home Forums Windstone Editions General Windstone Any idea the current value of a RF Rising Spectral

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    I checked with astra castle and it tells me the original value, the store says the original value and ravenheart says that there has never been one on Ebay but it is only current to 2009 and I searched E-bay and nothing. This is a MINT in box with tag. Never been displayed, only out of box for photos. Any ideas as to value?


      If I recall correctly, the Red Fire Risers on ebay have been around $300, i.e. not much premium over store price. However, there seems to be recent interest in RF pieces here, so you might do better!


      If I recall correctly, the Red Fire Risers on ebay have been around $300, i.e. not much premium over store price. However, there seems to be recent interest in RF pieces here, so you might do better!

      I searched Ebay for any RF Rising Spectrals and I didn’t find any at all. Where did you find them? Am I looking in the wrong place or are you meaning RF Sitting Spectrals?


        I didn’t find any either. I am going by my (possibly faulty) memory of RF Riser listings in the last six months. My impression is that they were not particularly hot items, but someone else may remember it differently.


        The last one that was on Ebay sold with a “Best Offer” of $275 in December.

        I only know this since I had my eye one him for a while! He had been listed on Ebay for several weeks without any bids on him. Of course, right when I was going to buy him, *POOF*! He was gone! Some lucky person won him instead! –If you’d like to see his link, just click here!


        The last one that was on Ebay sold with a “Best Offer” of $275 in December.

        I only know this since I had my eye one him for a while! He had been listed on Ebay for several weeks without any bids on him. Of course, right when I was going to buy him, *POOF*! He was gone! Some lucky person won him instead! –If you’d like to see his link, just click here!

        How do you do an ebay search further back than you get with the basic advanced search function. I can only seem to get back about 3 months. Is there a way to get a long term search for at least a year or 2 back?


          WOW, yeah. I thought I was good, but puff has me beat as well. I’d also like to know how. 😉


          Unfortunately, I didn’t do anything fancy! I just went for “memory”!

          Since I had been interested in purchasing him, I remembered that Jackid55 was the original seller. So, I just looked up her ebay profile and searched through her feedback ratings and then “Voila!” I found the Red Fire Spectral!

          And the only reason why I believe that that he was the last one on Ebay is because I’ve been on the lookout for another RF Spectral ever since! Haha…


          Says they have one left. Might want to call them first, but the price is a bit higher than the store price. I remember when they had the RF emperor still, and I am STILL kicking myself for not just getting it right away.


          I have been looking to purchase any RF I can get my hands on. SOmeone here wanted $600 – $650 for their RF spectral!!! I thought that seemed a big outrageous, what do you guys think?



            I have been looking to purchase any RF I can get my hands on. SOmeone here wanted $600 – $650 for their RF spectral!!! I thought that seemed a big outrageous, what do you guys think?


            If you mean the sitting Spectral dragon, ebay past sales show that one did not sell when listed for over $200.00 – he finally sold a couple of weeks ago for $192.00.

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