
Any Heath Ledger Fans out there?

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    PhoenixTears wrote:

    I actually got a phone call about it from someone who worked with Heath, and she and I had become friends during a movie we both worked on. I had the very great pleasure of being able to work with him on a couple of his movies, and we actually became friends. We hung out on and off set, and he was SO grounded and down to earth. Not like some of the celebrities Ive worked with.

    We had a running joke between us because he is the EXACT image of an old boyfriend I had, Jim (except for the accent). When I saw Heath in the movies for the first time, I remember staying for the credits because I had to make sure it wasnt Jim- thats how much they looked alike.

    I immediately broke down on the phone and because Im fighting bronchitis right now, I found I couldnt breathe. But how do you just stop crying when it’s flooding? This is very difficult for me. Heath had his demons but wasnt the suicidal type. Many actors take sleeping pills (which in this case were over the counter, not prescription) because of their time zoned schedules. I know he was struggling with his role in Dark Knight, and actually had some night terrors about it. But, much like Johnny Depp, Heath was a method actor. Method actors pretty much stay in character until the shooting wraps. Imagine the dark places that must take some of them. Great performances but it messes with your mind.

    I know he was so thrilled about Matilda, despite his recent separation from his girl. He’d never leave ‘Til on purpose. I think this was either an eccidental OD or, a mixture of substances in his system (maybe he had a drink but no illegal drugs, I dont predict) that just bottomed out. What I find strange is that they report pills were strewn around the room. That very fact is very strange to me.

    Well, we shall see. As for those picketers that plan to disrupt his funeral, if they cross me, theyll know what hell is. Ignorant bastards.

    Sorry, Im just emotional and sad.

    RIP Heath

    I’m really really sorry for you *BIG HUGS* He always sounded like a really cool guy to me, I’ve always loved his films and he has a great smile, aw bless!

    I heard the drug overdose was accidental mixing of sleeping meds and anxiety meds, it’s unfortunately not difficult to do with those kinds of meds *more hugs* I would be not sleeping AT ALL trying to play someone like The Joker, who I always thought was the worst Batman villian and the only one who was pure psychotic evil, not just thwarted genius or troubled soul.


    sunhawk wrote:

    I am a Heath fan and I was really upset to hear this. But to make matters worse, I read a memo from the Fred Phelps website stating they will be picketing his funeral because of Heath’s role in Brokeback Mountain and I cannot express how angry that message made me, especially the language they used, the fact they said Heath was now “in hell” and that nothing else about him was relevant or consequential. WTF man, WTF. Some people are just sick and twisted 😡

    RIP Heath!

    God, I usually am not a violent person and I try not to wish ill will on anyone, but Fred Phelps dosnt deserve to be called human. His activities have always really bothered me. The logic behind it is so sick and twisted.

    And PhoenixTears, thanks for your post, it was really interesting to get to hear from someone who knew him and it really confirms the impressions I had of him. He will be sorely missed.


    I’m a huge Heath Ledger fan, I thought my husband was teasing me when he told me, because I had a huge crush. I was so sad when I heard the news, The autopsy was so far inconclusive, but they think it might have been accidental. I know he did an interview not long ago and said that he was having trouble sleeping, and that he was taking Ambien and it didn’t work. Having been through alot of insomnia myself, I know that when your that tired, after being awake for days, you’ll do anything to sleep, I almost overdosed myself completely by accident because I couldn’t remember what or when I had taked which medicine. AMbien can make you crazy too. I can’t imagine that he would do that to his daughter though. He will be missed.


      When I heard about this yesterday afternoon I honestly thought it was some cruel joke, and even after finding out that it was true I just can’t wrap my head around it. I just feel so horrible about it, especially for his little girl. He was such a great actor and had so much more ahead of him. I remember watching Brokeback Mountain and crying on and off for 2 days because it was so touching. This is just so tragic to hear. I haven’t felt so sad about a stars death since hearing about Steve Irwin 🙁


      Eleu wrote:

      When I heard about this yesterday afternoon I honestly thought it was some cruel joke, and even after finding out that it was true I just can’t wrap my head around it. I just feel so horrible about it, especially for his little girl. He was such a great actor and had so much more ahead of him. I remember watching Brokeback Mountain and crying on and off for 2 days because it was so touching. This is just so tragic to hear. I haven’t felt so sad about a stars death since hearing about Steve Irwin 🙁

      I agree with you here too. I had met all of them- Steve (who Id always loved to a higher degree), Terri and Bindi when they were in FL a couple times. Getting the one on one time with them and then just Steve was very special to me. He was exactly as you saw him on TV- flat out passionate and energetic. I loved him and the whole family was just so friendly and great.

      As for anyones comments to me about Heath, while I appreciate them, Im no different than the rest of you. You guys who are fans take him into your heart and are protective of those you let in. Just because I knew him doesnt mean your pain is any less or mine, any more. I understand where youre coming from but Im not special. Heath is just a common link we all have who are posting here and he will be equally missed by all of us. I didnt mean to come off as “look at me, look at me… I knew him… nah nah nah nah naaah naaah!” I was just venting cause like you, I am hurting. So, we find comfort in each other here.

      The facts are twisting and changing in this case and I dont think Im going to have closure until they come up with something plausible and solid, or I hear from someone close to him even if they never saw the scene.


        yeah….it’s all kind of weird….

        and honestly I hope it was an unfortunate accident….

        I’ve read so much it’s kind of hard to know what’s real and what’s guess….

        I know I read at one point that they heard him snoring and he was sleeping face down….

        that’s not good to snore while laying face down…you can actually stop breathing that way…

        I’ve learned that from my sister and brother….my sister is an ER nurse and my brother….has EMT training and is Fire Chief and ex police officer…..

        I have a friend that sleeps on his stomache…and if he ever snores I make him roll over….

        but of course who knows what else was going on….it’s just a sad thing….


        Finding him naked at the foot of the bed and the initial release that pills were strewn around the room ticked me off (well, the pill part. Naked at foot of bed has me wondering). Sure, he slept in the buff but by foot of bed do you mean on the floor or curled up by the end of the bed?

        I didnt know Heath to have Sleep Apnea but everyone does have it to some degree and have bouts of it. I think it was an accident and it was a mixture of meds, how his health was in general (fighting a cold, respiratory) and perhaps a glass of wine or such before bed.

        So, if they heard him snoring, was that the maid and masseuse that came in and heard it? Cause if so, their story goes that they knocked on the door and after no answer, went in with concern and found him. When and who heard him snoring? Im not asking YOU, Im just putting it out there. Cause, if so, thats out of hand that he’d have passed away right as they were in the apartment.


          yeah…well there are so many diff versions….but in the NY times….it said the housekeeper went in around one….and he was in bed covered face down snoring…

          which if he had taken anything of had anything to drink isn’t a good idea…

          normally I don’t think it’s a problem…but considering him not sleeping well…and if he had taken anything…not good….

          but they then said that about 2:45 when they went back…no response and he was cold to the touch…with only one hour and 45 min later doesn’t make sense….

          and the parametics are the ones that supposedly put him on the floor…and they also said that there were no pills strewn around…but there were perscription ones there….

          so NY Times is basically saying accident….but where did all the other storis come from….right?

          it’s sad that so many people are saying so many diff things….


          PhoenixTears wrote:

          As for anyones comments to me about Heath, while I appreciate them, Im no different than the rest of you. You guys who are fans take him into your heart and are protective of those you let in. Just because I knew him doesnt mean your pain is any less or mine, any more. I understand where youre coming from but Im not special. Heath is just a common link we all have who are posting here and he will be equally missed by all of us. I didnt mean to come off as “look at me, look at me… I knew him… nah nah nah nah naaah naaah!” I was just venting cause like you, I am hurting. So, we find comfort in each other here.

          I definitely didn’t get the feeling you were bragging or anything *big hugs* It didn’t even occur to me to think that, I just know a number of people who know famous people and it’s not really a big deal to me, since I’m in art and the broader sense of the arts includes movies and music and networking is the lifeblood of the artworld. It’s natural-like! ^_^


          Thank you for your supportive words, Sunhawk. I appreciate you understand where I was coming from and that there was no brag in there whatsoever.

          As for the snoring, I dont mean to be graphic or morbid, but cold to the touch in under 2 hrs is strange. Im wondering if what she heard was a death rattle.

          Im rather suspicious of the masseuse who only thought to call Mary-Kate (3x no less!) before calling 911. How stupid can you be? What was she going to do from CA? If it ever comes to pass that the masseuse knows that MK happened to give Heath something for “sleep”, or any kind of downer, even with good intentions, Im gonna be pissed. ANd if so, she better damn well feel guilty. Sure, she didnt force them down his throat (IF in fact this is the case; I dont want to start a rumor here), but you have to take some responsibility for giving someone either recreational or worse yet (ironically), your own Rx.

          I havent heard about the toxicology yet. It’s been a crazy week and weekend for me so Im trying to keep up with the news as much as I can. But I take news with a grain of salt. But it’s all I have right now however, any personal phone call to ppl we knew in common, will trump the news for me.

          It’s a very sad loss and I have to wonder if tomorrows Screen Actors Guild awards will not be as ruined as the Golden Globes and actors will be able to make their acceptance speeches. Im sure somewhere in there, there will be mention of Heath overall since this tragedy is less than a week old. It will be SO sad to see him counted among those in Memoriam at the Oscars and he will likely get thunderous applause when is name and photo show up.


          I used to work in a hospital and had occasion to help the nurses take tubing out of bodies after death. I remember being so surprised at how rapidly the blood got cold after death occured.The cooling starts immediately and within minutes the blood in the arms was cold. I hope this isn’t too morbid, just a comment on the speculation. I was also shocked and saddened by his death–what a tremendous loss!James Dean also came to mind-huge talent gone too soon. I also wonder about the “3rd”. And PT no I didn’t see “bragging” either, I’m glad you could share your special knowledge with us. I know I alsways seem to want to know more than the news media gives us, so much is distorted or slanted or just not true. I’m glad he wasn’t on drugs like River Phoenix or others and he seemed to be a good responsible parent. One of the good guys. (One of my favorite reggae artists was murdered in October, another “good guy”: no alcohol or drugs, vegetarian, had one wife and 7 kids, was taking 2 of them to school and was carjacked and murdered. I’m still working on that.) Anyway, “shared grief is grief lessened, shared joy is joy multiplied” drgnlvr 😥


          drgnlvr wrote:

          Anyway, “shared grief is grief lessened, shared joy is joy multiplied” drgnlvr 😥

          I like that.

          Yes, he was even compared to James Dean when he was alive, so the fact he also has a premature death (and a small service in LA where James is laid to rest) is a spooky correlation. Brandon Lee’s death his me the same way- too off.

          And yes, Heath was definitely a very good guy. Very genuine and sincere no matter how well or little he knew you. Private guy but once he knew you, had an excellent sense of humor and protective nature about him (he walks you to your car in the dark, etc.).

          And oh most certainly was he an incredible dad. He loved ‘Til so much, it was very touching. She looks like him too and she really loved daddy. He doted on her and though he was a man about town (doing normal NYC things), he was protective of his daughter but didnt mind when the paparazzi would grab a shot now and then. They are like quicksand- the more you struggle to get out of their way and avoid them, the more they will seek you out on purpose. He never (or very, very rarely) let it affect him so they didnt hound him.

          A star that burned out way too soon, I think this will stick with everyone for some time. And the people of Perth are so embracing of one of their own that when he does make it to his homeland for final rest, they will support the family and come out in respectful droves. I was pleased to see LA didnt go nuts (unlike NYC, however, that was not only a death but it was the “scene” of something yet to be delivered into closure) and respected the privacy.


            A star that burned out way toooo soon. 🙁


            PhoenixTears wrote:

            drgnlvr wrote:

            Anyway, “shared grief is grief lessened, shared joy is joy multiplied” drgnlvr 😥

            I like that.

            Yes, he was even compared to James Dean when he was alive, so the fact he also has a premature death (and a small service in LA where James is laid to rest) is a spooky correlation. Brandon Lee’s death his me the same way- too off.

            And yes, Heath was definitely a very good guy. Very genuine and sincere no matter how well or little he knew you. Private guy but once he knew you, had an excellent sense of humor and protective nature about him (he walks you to your car in the dark, etc.).

            And oh most certainly was he an incredible dad. He loved ‘Til so much, it was very touching. She looks like him too and she really loved daddy. He doted on her and though he was a man about town (doing normal NYC things), he was protective of his daughter but didnt mind when the paparazzi would grab a shot now and then. They are like quicksand- the more you struggle to get out of their way and avoid them, the more they will seek you out on purpose. He never (or very, very rarely) let it affect him so they didnt hound him.

            A star that burned out way too soon, I think this will stick with everyone for some time. And the people of Perth are so embracing of one of their own that when he does make it to his homeland for final rest, they will support the family and come out in respectful droves. I was pleased to see LA didnt go nuts (unlike NYC, however, that was not only a death but it was the “scene” of something yet to be delivered into closure) and respected the privacy.

            I definitely thought of Brandon Lee as well, spooky to have two great actors like that having a last movie where they both feature violence, darkness and each man in ghastly makeup @_@

            Awwww about Heath walking people to their car, bless!

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