Any computer people on here?

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      And the evidence I had collected for court… gone. But im working on securing another copy.


        This is, btw, why I am selling my dragons. To pay my bills and try to stay afloat. I die inside a little with each one I ship, but I’ll be damned sure he doesnt get away with this too.


          @ Garden Ninja, lol oh you hit a few key points. First, ex military now working for a tech company that does government contracts. Yep, believe me i have thought about that, and think he is only able to do this bc he met someone there. Next, the only apple device i have is an old ipod, however when i look up my ip ( it says that my android phone is a linux running mozilla, firefox (like ghecko) with an apple webkit??? Does that mean anything to you?

          From Wikipedia:
          WebKit is a layout engine software component for rendering web pages in web browsers. It powers Apple’s Safari web browser, and a fork of the project is used by Chromium-based browsers, such as Google Chrome or Opera.

          WebKit also forms the basis for the experimental browser included with the Amazon Kindle e-book reader, as well as the default browser in the Apple iOS, BlackBerry Browser in OS 6 and above, and Tizen mobile operating systems. WebKit’s C++ application programming interface provides a set of classes to display web content in windows, and implements browser features such as following links when clicked by the user, managing a back-forward list, and managing a history of pages recently visited.

          WebKit’s HTML and JavaScript code was originally a fork of the KHTML and KJS libraries from KDE,[1][5] and has now been further developed by individuals from KDE, Apple, Google, Nokia, Bitstream, BlackBerry, Igalia, and others.[6] OS X, Windows, Linux, and some other Unix-like operating systems are supported by the project.[7] On April 3, 2013, Google announced that it had forked WebCore, a component of WebKit, to be used in future versions of Google Chrome and the Opera web browser, under the name Blink.[8][9]

          WebKit is available under a BSD-form license[10] with the exception of the WebCore and JavaScriptCore components, which are available under the GNU Lesser General Public License. As of March 7, 2013, WebKit is a trademark of Apple, registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.[11]

          Is there any chance he may have direct or indirect contacts in the FBI or NSA? If he has NSA contacts, the only thing you can do is go off the grid. Hopefully it won’t come to that.

          I googled “report computer hacking identity theft” and found this:

          Internet-related crime, like any other crime, should be reported to appropriate law enforcement investigative authorities at the local, state, federal, or international levels, depending on the scope of the crime. Citizens who are aware of federal crimes should report them to local offices of federal law enforcement.
          Reporting computer hacking, fraud and other internet-related crime
          The primary federal law enforcement agencies that investigate domestic crime on the Internet include: the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the United States Secret Service, the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) , the United States Postal Inspection Service, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) . Each of these agencies has offices conveniently located in every state to which crimes may be reported. Contact information regarding these local offices may be found in local telephone directories. In general, federal crime may be reported to the local office of an appropriate law enforcement agency by a telephone call and by requesting the “Duty Complaint Agent.
          Each law enforcement agency also has a headquarters (HQ) in Washington, D.C., which has agents who specialize in particular areas. For example, the FBI and the U.S. Secret Service both have headquarters-based specialists in computer intrusion (i.e., computer hacker) cases.
          To determine some of the federal investigative law enforcement agencies that may be appropriate for reporting certain kinds of crime, please refer to the following table:
          Type of Crime – Appropriate federal investigative law enforcement agencies
          Computer intrusion (i.e. hacking)
          •FBI local office (
          •U.S. Secret Service (
          •Internet Crime Complaint Center (
          Internet harassment
          •FBI local office (
          Other Cybercrime Reporting Resources
          •The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3)
          The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) is a partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C). IC3’s mission is to serve as a vehicle to receive, develop, and refer criminal complaints regarding the rapidly expanding arena of cyber crime. The IC3 gives the victims of cyber crime a convenient and easy-to-use reporting mechanism that alerts authorities of suspected criminal or civil violations. For law enforcement and regulatory agencies at the federal, state, and local level, IC3 provides a central referral mechanism for complaints involving Internet related crimes.

          My advice for now:
          -Get a basic flip phone that is not internet capable, preferrably one that does not have a GPS (assuming you can find such – it would have to be old enough to predate 9-1-1’s request for GPS’s to be installed on all mobile phones). He may be monitoring for devices that show up within the coordinates of your home.
          -If you can’t find a phone that is guaranteed not to have a GPS, only make important calls from phones that can’t be traced back to you OR TO ONE OF YOUR KNOWN FRIENDS.
          -Never mention any identifying details (name, address, computer accounts, financial info, etc) on ANY phone. Name & address okay on phones that already can be associated with you.
          -Only use computers that cannot be traced back to you or one of your known friends. Library computers are an example.
          -Do not log into any account you own on ANY computer.
          -If you create a new account, such as for here, do not use any known or similar user name, do not include your real name or address in the info, and do not mention your old user id(s) in anything you enter. If it is on the internet, it is not private.
          -If possible, get a free email account that you can get without revealing your real name, address, or telephone number. Do not use a username same or similar to ones you have used in the past. Only access it from untraceable computers.

          But i did find i have a ENU Grub beta subsystem. Should that even be on there?

          Never heard of it. I googled ENU Grub, and found that Grub is an operating system or something similar. This is what it stands for: GRand Unified Bootloader. Both the links I followed lead to discussions at a very high level of understanding of computers. Your ex-buddy put it there.

          Oh, lol i called my prepaid carrier after that download incident bc my phone wouldnt do jack. I asked the tech guy, am i supposed to be connected to an aceess point? I’m using mobile data so, i would think not, but to be sure. He said no you dont need an access point. Good, so how do i disconnect from this access point that im automatically connected to. “Dont connect to it.” “Ok. Im not, its already connected.” “You dont need it so dont push the button. Dont connect to it.”….. you see where this is going. No where.

          Sounds par for the course with tech support.

          My keyboard is broken. I keep pressing "Escape", but I'm still here.


            -Only use computers that cannot be traced back to you or one of your known friends. Library computers are an example.

            Obviously, library computers aren’t secure from other types of hackers. Do not enter any identifying information.

            My keyboard is broken. I keep pressing "Escape", but I'm still here.


              Thank you for all the info. Its a little overwhelming, but very helpful. I have been talking to people about going off grid. But financially its not an option at the moment.

              He went to school for and wants to be in the intelligence field but i think his being kicked out of the military and being diagnosed with psychopathy may prevent that.

              I really hate that he is still affecting my life. I left him over three years ago.

              Did you by chance see anything on how to trace the source of the hack or anything like that?


                Did you by chance see anything on how to trace the source of the hack or anything like that?

                Unfortunately, no. I think the first step would be to go to a library, and find the phone number and location of your state’s FBI office. Go to the FBI in person if you can, or call from a phone that can’t be traced to you if it is too far.

                Just remember, any device that comes to your home’s coordinates will probably trigger a notification to him.

                Good luck.

                My keyboard is broken. I keep pressing "Escape", but I'm still here.


                  Thank you so much for all your time and effort. I really appreciate it.


                    Oh my God, wow, I can’t believe what you are dealing with Jackid55-2! That is crazy and I am so sorry to hear all that. I have no clue about most of what was posted on here to do with computers but I am going to show this to my friend Brian so he can respond here or message you. He took courses on how people hack into computers so he can be one of the good guys who knows how to stop people hacking into big companies to get confidential information. I am sure he would have some advice too to help you figure out how to stop this! Unfortunately his aunt just passed away last night so he is having a hard time dealing with that right now but I am sure once he clears his head he would be happy to help you!

                    Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                      Thank you, Kim. I really appreciate the help. 🙂

                      It has been a very stressful learning experience. Lol, Ive actually learned more about computers in the last 4 months than I had the entire rest of my life. So much so that I’m no longer a fan. Well, Im not a fan of the lack of privacy or having to opt out of things that I never knew I was opted in to. And REALLY not liking how ignorant I was or how easy it is to completely derail someone’s life, and not get caught.

                      Also, learned a lot about the lack of security and privacy with my banks and everywhere else I have an account. The indifference and lack of concern or even empathy by the so called experts is a little disheartening. Like I said, learning experience. But I think I’m finally making some progress.

                      Thanks again, Kim. Please gives Brian my condolences.



                        Did you by chance see anything on how to trace the source of the hack or anything like that?

                        Unfortunately, no. I think the first step would be to go to a library, and find the phone number and location of your state’s FBI office. Go to the FBI in person if you can, or call from a phone that can’t be traced to you if it is too far.

                        Just remember, any device that comes to your home’s coordinates will probably trigger a notification to him.

                        Good luck.

                        Yes, FBI has regional crime centers setup across the country and they specialize in cyber crimes. See if you have a local office nearby or the FBI internet crime complaint center will contact you after filing a complaint & can give you advice on how to proceed with forensic examination of your computers & network.

                        If you ex is the guilty part & he went to work for a military contractor, don’t get your hopes up too high on FBI doing anything about misdeeds at NSA.

                        Hope this works out for you, Jacki


                          It has been a very stressful learning experience. Lol, Ive actually learned more about computers in the last 4 months than I had the entire rest of my life. So much so that I’m no longer a fan. Well, Im not a fan of the lack of privacy or having to opt out of things that I never knew I was opted in to. And REALLY not liking how ignorant I was or how easy it is to completely derail someone’s life, and not get caught.

                          Also, learned a lot about the lack of security and privacy with my banks and everywhere else I have an account. The indifference and lack of concern or even empathy by the so called experts is a little disheartening. Like I said, learning experience. But I think I’m finally making some progress.

                          Banks actually have far better security (and “fraud units”) setup than any other business including government agencies. They have entire units setup to examine bank fraud. They utilize redundant security to ensure that if a hacker breaches one part of the network, they can’t get further.

                          The lackadaisical attitude about cyber security is going to ensure that users lose trust in the Internet & refuse to use the very technology that can make their lives more productive. That’s where we’re headed, imo.

                          Take what’s happening today with US government accusing Russia of hacking DNC emails. Wikileaks said they weren’t “hacked” but were leaked by a DNC insider. For the past 8 years, nearly EVERY agency of our government has been hacked and nobody said squat. But, we hack other nations as well routinely, as we learned from the NSA revelations that came out of Edward Snowden’s revelations. So, we can’t very well tell other nations to stop hacking when we do it the most.


                            I have spent hours on the phone with each of my banks, and all of my accounts, setting up their highest levels of security only to have it been like i never called to begin with. All my info changed back (to the email I’m locked out of or the phone number I suspended.) And any phone password/pin removed and usually with my ex added to my account, with email and phone number.

                            No matter how many times i tell them he does not have permission to access anything, we are divorced. They say they are noting the account. Nope next time i call nothing. Even the banks that had me go straight to the fraud department every time i called to be verified. It was a pain, couldnt even use the automated system…then poof all gone, no security, well no additional.

                            One of them had me set up a phone pin. I call next time and ask why they didn’t want to verify my pin…. she said you have to request to be verified. Wtf? What criminal is going to be asked to be verified?????

                            This month even my water and power bills got changed back to the email i changed with them 4 months ago. Oh, and my mail is now being stolen. My other banks branch manager opened a line of credit in my name, and added my dsl phone number to my account so the bank couldnt call me, the same day.

                            My exs bankruptcy attorney’s address is on my credit as my address. Ex is on my credit as my current spouse or co-applicant. With his phone number. You look up my suspended # i had for 10 years, before i even met him and his name comes up. Hes back on my vehicle registration, oh and all the sudden after 3 years im getting mail for him. Hes never lived in this state. Even had something in his and my father’s name sent to their house. Yeah, they would apply for a refi together. Uh, huh.

                            Then I have all the inqueries on my credit saying i authorized or gave hand written consent to my credit check. One says tenant screening. I asked my landlord, she says she’s never run my credit, which surprised me. So, i call the place that ran it, which is 40 minutes away, they said “Marty, the process server gave us a copy of the signed consent authorizing a background check.”

                            So i talk to “Marty” who tells me he works for several local apartments and retail stores running backgrounds, but doesnt remember me but he will check into it and call me back. Right.

                            What are the odds that i get hacked and cant fix it; id theft, cc fraud, bank fraud, loans in my name. And new accounts; theft of service for cloning or hijacking my phone, and pretty sure direct tv bc it was updating for hours eveynight. Then the light on the front, record, well it won’t turn off on either receiver; my mail gets stolen; and my branch manager is a thief???

                            That’s not even taking into consideration the botched port placement that collapsed both lungs. He also cut the catheter too short so turning my head tore the, i assume jugular since thats were the catheter inserts, so i start bleeding into my chest. Swelled up really fast and scared me, thought i was a goner. And the tip has migrated causing clots , some of which are blocking arteries in my arms so im a ticking time bomb. Could throw one at any time.

                            I go into the er and find out im pregnant but they cant find the heartbeat, so can’t fix clots or port, and possibly dead baby. All of this plus a bunch more junk…. Like ex not refinancing house or taking debt as he agreed to in divorce, so my house gets foreclosed (auctioned off in 10/16) and is on my credit, im being sued by the companies he didnt pay because he decided not to do what he signed a contract saying he would do. (Im on disabilty now bc im so sick, but had to stop meds bc of pregnancy)

                            These companies suing me have frozen my accounts, tried to take my car, harrassed me and my parents, tried to garnish my disability check. Failed, but branch manager got that check this month by keeping my acount open five days after it was supposed to be closed, and of course removing any note of it ever being closed.

                            Ex is even sending people to collect the 30k he was awarded when he went to the divorce hearing without me. …. Was in the hospital with sepsis, attorney was supposed to postpone. Didn’t so i lost. He got the house, my cars, my animals, everything i owned before him, 800 a month in alimony, 30k judgement for fraud i committed against him!!! Even my windstones.

                            I faught it gathered my evidence and drove back to Texas for my new hearing… this time with VRE that i picked up from the hospital when i was septic. And medicine that can make you toxic and shut your kidneys down…. Usually only give it if they admit you, but i wasnt going to miss court again. -yes, im that stubborn.

                            Any ways day before court his attorney calls mine begging for a deal. I said no, it’s public records that i committed fraud against him bc he lied his ass off in court so i want public record that he’s an abusive (animal and human), dishonest pos and i didn’t do anything he claimed.

                            Long story short, attorney was convinced we wouldn’t get a better deal than him paying me 30k, taking the 80k he ran up on my cards, his debt, and the mortgage. He got the house… i paid for it, but whatever i wanted him gone. I got everything else, which was mine or bought by me anyway.

                            I didn’t want to but agreed, with the stipulations that he had to sign a document stating i did not commit fraud against him or our estate, and he would never claim it again. Also could but file bankruptcy on divorce agreement, and if he failed to abide by anything in the contract i could sue him for breach, hed still owe me everything in the contract plus what ever the judge awarded….

                            I have evidence of the infidelity, abuse, animal abuse, kidnapping and attempted murder, him admitting to it and threatening to come find me and finish the job, the bruises on my neck from him trying to strangle me .you name it i got it with pictures.

                            So, he really didn’t want to go to court. Plus i had transcripts from the first hearing and had evidence disproving every claim. He didn’t want to see the same judge and try to explain his bs…

                            After he didnt pay me, take the debt, or refinance, he filed bankruptcy claiming fraud against me again! Claimed i had everything he was awarded in the divorce including my dragons, dog, and car… and now i supposedly owed him 50k instead of 30k he was originally awarded….

                            I sued him for breach, not two weeks after he gets served my computers are hacked. We were supposed to go to court in september. 8/26 catch hacker on computer, and i see files ive never seen before. Like divorce consultation, general consultation, and a profile on my attorney. None of which ive ever seen or created.


                            I dont even know where i was going with all that at now…


                              I was also notifoed by anthem (insurance), yahoo, and opm (governments office of personell management or something like that) that my info was stolen in each of their cyber attacks.

                              Anthem and opm have given me id protection for x amount of years. Well, neither of the id protection places or the credit monitoring place ive been paying for ten years can help me with anything apparently.

                              Or the umpteen tech/computer places I’ve paid.

                              Sorry, Im ranting. I get a little frustrated thinking or talking about it. I’ve had everyone act like I’m either a criminal or crazy for the last four months. After being with some companies 15 years! Never missed a payment, never late and all the sudden they dont believe me that im not going through 3 Gb of data kin a couple days, or one account goes from 4 or five transactions a month to 100+ and they don’t thats its not me.

                              One bank finally decided a couple weeks ago i am in fact dealing with identity theft. Well, its about freaking time.

                              Ok, no more bitching. 🙂


                                WOW what a read.I am soo very sorry my friend.One day this nightmare will end.We are here for you for moral support and hopefully some of this info will strike a fire for you.Remember you are not ever TRULY alone.Hugz,Mimi

                                Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                                (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
                                Male day🤞Dream on.


                                  Thank you, Mi. 🙂

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