Another dragon

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      dragonmedley wrote:

      Lokie wrote:

      I think he’s really nice πŸ™‚ Is the ridge detailing on the center scales down his head, back, and tail a separate color from the rest of the scale?


      Not sure if I got this right, but… All the light yellow scales are the same color, be it on the head, tail, legs, arms and front. I antiqued all of them except for the ones on the front/belly. The ones on the head and tail came out with a light purple tinge (which was the desired effect), but the ones on the legs and arms, not as much for some reason. Antiquing is my nemesis!
      Yeah, my brain is foggy; good luck trying to decipher what I’m saying πŸ˜† On the light yellow scales down his head and tail, I was wondering if the little raised detail at the scales tips (where Windstone paints it gold) was the same yellow color. I didn’t know if it had interference on it or a slight shade change to set it apart. My monitor on my desktop is going dark πŸ™ But I’m on someone’s laptop now so I can see it clearly. πŸ™‚ So never mind 😳


      thats a cute dragon!!! πŸ™‚

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