and were off

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  • #509979

      ladybrooklyn wrote:

      HA HA HA!!!!

      I’m thinking the same thing… MAN I just SPENT $70 on the Ki-Rin and Dragon!!! I’m so broke. I’m gonna regret this… ARGH!!!

      You guys are a bad influence! πŸ˜†

      Wait…we’re supposed to be a good influence? 😯

      Obviously you missed Ski’s motto. 😈

      While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


        Keplilly wrote:

        ladybrooklyn wrote:

        HA HA HA!!!!

        I’m thinking the same thing… MAN I just SPENT $70 on the Ki-Rin and Dragon!!! I’m so broke. I’m gonna regret this… ARGH!!!

        You guys are a bad influence! πŸ˜†

        Wait…we’re supposed to be a good influence? 😯

        Obviously you missed Ski’s motto. 😈

        Which? The one about chocolate and Rocky Road ice cream? or the There is evil in all of us, but especially me, frozen and Nirvana one?


          Nirvanacat13 wrote:

          Keplilly wrote:

          ladybrooklyn wrote:

          HA HA HA!!!!

          I’m thinking the same thing… MAN I just SPENT $70 on the Ki-Rin and Dragon!!! I’m so broke. I’m gonna regret this… ARGH!!!

          You guys are a bad influence! πŸ˜†

          Wait…we’re supposed to be a good influence? 😯

          Obviously you missed Ski’s motto. 😈

          Which? The one about chocolate and Rocky Road ice cream? or the There is evil in all of us, but especially me, frozen and Nirvana one?

          I’m not evil….just slightly demented…and extremely mean… evil though


            Extremely mean= Evil.




              I’m not evil….just slightly demented…and extremely mean… evil though

              Yay! Found the dictionary:

              mean – pettily bad-tempered, disagreeable, hard to cope with

              not evil though… 😈


                Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                Keplilly wrote:

                ladybrooklyn wrote:

                HA HA HA!!!!

                I’m thinking the same thing… MAN I just SPENT $70 on the Ki-Rin and Dragon!!! I’m so broke. I’m gonna regret this… ARGH!!!

                You guys are a bad influence! πŸ˜†

                Wait…we’re supposed to be a good influence? 😯

                Obviously you missed Ski’s motto. 😈

                Which? The one about chocolate and Rocky Road ice cream? or the There is evil in all of us, but especially me, frozen and Nirvana one?
                See and I’m not mentioned anywhere!!
                Who is the neediest again??


                  skigod377 wrote:

                  Extremely mean= Evil.

                  nah….but I guess I could be if I needed to….


                    Keplilly wrote:

                    Wait…we’re supposed to be a good influence? 😯

                    Obviously you missed Ski’s motto. 😈

                    No… you aren’t *supposed* to be a good influence… just give the *semblance* of being a good influence…

                    “No no… you don’t need a second one…” knowing full well that it will only make me buy one all the quicker! πŸ˜†

                    Oh well! I’ll regret it now… but not when they come! πŸ˜†

                    Must… get to painting!!!


                      ruffian wrote:

                      See now there are two of us at the shrine of SPark

                      LOVE that Emoticon!!! πŸ˜† too funny!!!

                      Where do you find these?

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