And speaking of dog breed discrimination….

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      Dragon Master wrote:

      It also says you cna not have more then 2 of the same breed unless you are SELLING them??? What is that all about??

      Lots of ordinances say that people cant have more than two dogs. There are many reasons for that, and most of them are good. (IMO 😉 ) There are exceptions to every rule, of course.


        I agree with BDW there are NO BAD DOGS ONLY BAD OWNERS.

        When I moved to FL and was looking for house insurance AAA asked me if I had a dog and I said yes. The lady then asked “What Kind” I replied a chow. She said “I am sorry but we can’t write insurance on your house if you own a chow they are on our NO list. After that if I was asked that question by an insurance agent Tristen became a Heinz 57.

        Most of the time I think the little barking dogs are more dangerous and likely to bite than some on the bad list.


        /grumbles angrilly…look at the sweet face of my baby girl..not a vicious bone in her 78 pound body..


          I had never heard of that before but then again I have cats. It’s good to know I will need to check it out if U ever do get a dog in the future though


          If I could I’d post a picture of my dog. She is a Labrador/German Shepherd mix so she wouldn’t be allowed in this hick town. She is the sweetest dog I have ever had. She wouldn’t hurt a cat! She has actually gone up to cats and just sniffed them curiously and enthusiastically, but never attacked them. And speaking as someone who had to put down two dogs, some dogs are just bad, through no fault of the owner. They just have bad dispositions that even training can’t fix. Does that make the breed vile and disgusting? NO!!!! I believe those dogs are the exception to the rule, not the norm! This is discrimination against animals, and watch out! I’ve read somewhere these kind of laws may become more common!


          That was my question too, DM, what are they going to use as police dogs. And the only dog that ever bit me unprovoked when I was a kid was a Golden Retriever, I ended up with 3 stitches, and they didn’t ban that breed.

          Hell, restricted to 2 dogs per household…bogus! We have two households living in one house, there is no way we’d agree to give up our dogs, we have a total of 6.

          None are the breeds they are banning in that article, but if they keep banning breeds, pretty soon no one will be allowed to have a dog bigger than a 3 lb chihuahua! And that particular breed is the worst when it comes to biting people! They can’t really hurt you, but they like to think they can.

          Stupid laws, glad I live in Idaho, no one here would put up with that stupid crap, at least I hope not!



            Its only a matter of time before this crap spreads. Is stupidity contagious??


              We have Cocker Spaniels (American… did have an English when I was growing up). They cause more bites than Rotties and Pits statistically, and not by a small margin! Had a bassett hound and a Sheltie as well. One cocker is a love (he only likes to cuddle) and the black one we have is a bit spooky, barks a lot and can nip if you haven’t been introduced or he feels threatened (generally ok, but it’s usually around papertowel that he is trying for… go figure 🙄 ). The first one we had when I was in school was rather anti-social/a bit off (found he came from a puppy mill).

              My aunt, when she lived with us, had an akita/chow/something mix, Chico, that was horribly unsocial and my brother and I were small children. The dog tried to attack us (we were like 3 or 4), but my dad stepped in and grabbed the dog by the neck and threw it head over tail about 15+ feet. Dog got up, thought about it, and never bothered us again. Not the dog’s fault. He was never socialized by anyone and my aunt didn’t do much to fix that after she got him (he was grown when she got him from someone). Gives akitas and chows a bad name 😡


              I agree that I’ve seen little dogs that are more viscous then a huge rottweiler. For instance, ‘Killer’ was a huge rotti and he was a teddy bear to us, complete strangers. However, we had this little shitzu that tried to bite off some girl’s face.

              It’s the owner mostly, not the breed, even though sometimes it’s the particular dog.


                This doesnt quite merit its own topic but its related: I was just outside with Rab and my bunny… letting them get some air… and a little girl comes up dragging what looks like a Boston Terrier mix. Obviously old and obviously scared. Because we had Rab and the Bunny out, there were lots of kids in my yard. This girl comes up with her dog, the kids swarm her, and the dog is panicking and straining at the leash, trying to get away and the kid keeps pushing the dog so the kids can pet her. She even holds her dog and brings her over to Rab as I am telling her not to and that she is obviously scared. Well, the girl ties the dog to a plant in front of my house and goes to pet the rabbit. Im watching to make sure the rabbit doesnt bolt (its not a fenced front yard) and as Im watching her, a little girl and boy (about 2 and 3) go swarm the scared, tied up dog. The little girl tries to pick her up and the dog freaks and bites her. I made sure the girl was ok and took the other girl over to her parents to tell them what kind of situations the little girl is putting that poor dog in. What was funny was that Rab was sticking his nose over where the bitten girl was sitting when her father showed up. I told him she got bit and there’s Rab (My rottie, for those who dont know) staring him in the face. To give him credit, he did ask which dog bit her before casting judgement. 😆 The girl is fine and hopefully the parents will ensure that the other girl does not put that dog in that position again. Its just another small dog bite that will go unreported, though, which shows the statistics are unreliable.


                  That is the most rediculus thing I have ever heard… I have a doberman and he is the sweetest dog you could ever meet..he is so calm and act just like a lap dog..he loves to cuddle and loves everyone. He wouldn`t hurt a fly… 😆
                  But when I first got him everyone on my street was scared of him and wouldn`t come near him, oh and one of my neighbours used to pick up her small dog everytime I used to take him out, casue she was worried that he would attck her dog meanwhile he didn`t even care that the dog was there…I believe it all depends on how the dog is raised and weather or not the dog is loved.

                  IF I LIVED IN THAT STATE I WOULD BE MOVING…and if they ever try to do that in Ontario Canada, I WILL BE MOVING.

                  Dobermans are NOT AGRESSIVE…nor is the Breed itself…and the ppl who think that they are need to be educated.
                  In fact Dobermans in general have a very good reasoning ability and know when something is wrong, they do not attck ppl if they have no reason to do so and they actually warn ppl before they do attack in every situation.

                  The sad thing is that I have a firend who breeds Bull Matiffs and when he found out that I have a Dobe…the forst thing he said to me was…oh you should get rid of your dog ASAP, becasue one day he will turn on you, when his brain gets too big for his scull and he becaomes crazy…
                  I could NOT BELIEVE that he would say that because he is always a know it all and he thinks that he know everything about dogs, meanwhile he has 5 massive dogs, whom he breeds in his basement…UNBELIEVABLE… 👿

                  THAT JUST REALLY PISSES ME OFF…some ppl are unbelievable.

                  Here are some pics of my big lap dog….His name is Maks.. 😉



                    Oh I HATE that “They’ll turn on you” crap. I would just love to know WHEN??!


                      skigod377 wrote:

                      Oh I HATE that “They’ll turn on you” crap. I would just love to know WHEN??!

                      Yeah I know…UNBELIEVABLE…



                      mmloda wrote:

                      IF I LIVED IN THAT STATE I WOULD BE MOVING…and if they ever try to do that in Ontario Canada, I WILL BE MOVING.

                      You mean Ontario where they have banned Pitbulls? Expect it to happen, sooner than later IMO.

                      You want an eye opener look at the breed ban list in Italy.

                      asinnamon What mastiff board are you on? I joined Big Paws Only after I got Gage and there are many Mastiff owners, but it might be nice to talk to others about them.


                        There was a news story here in Calgary recently about postal carriers and dogs and Dog bites. And Canada Post says that 3/4s (or more) of the dog bites that happen to postal workers as from SMALL dogs. Mostly because the owners of small dogs never THINK that their dog will bite.

                        I’ve know several Rotties and Dobies and they all have been huge babies, including the Rottie owned by a “Bad A@@” Biker! A friend of mine also had a Mastiff who was a huge chicken (really funny watching this huge dog trying to hide behind a size 0, 5 foot nothing woman). Most of the time it is the OWNER who creates a ‘Bad’ dog and people who need to understand NOT to assume that every dog is friendly, I mean you don’t automatically assume that the strange guy walking down the street wants a hug and noogie, why would you assume that a that strange dog does?

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