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- This topic has 38 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 16 years, 9 months ago by Rose.
May 29, 2008 at 9:21 pm #709587
I saw this posted at the mastiff forum I belong too:
read it. It’s like making motorcycles illegal…. 👿
edited cause I can’t type…
May 29, 2008 at 9:21 pm #495629May 29, 2008 at 9:26 pm #709588What state is that? I’m going to make sure never to go there 👿 I have a German Shepherd, and the Doberman is one of my other favorites (and one I hope to own one day along with a Saint Bernard and Saluki).
There are no bad dogs, just people who raise them to be bad.May 29, 2008 at 9:32 pm #709589South Dakota…..yes, I plan to stay clear too!
May 30, 2008 at 12:17 am #709590What that’s ridiculous!
I saw probably 5 of 6 rottweilers come in to the SPCA when I worked there. Mean ones? 0 (not including puppies they were bite-y). Also numerous shep crosses that were all sweethearts, and pit bulls and bull mastiffs were all nice.
Also my parent’s dog is 1/2 German Shepard and was NEVER a problem. NEVER. Hell, that girl is terrified of injuring anything that’s bigger then a rabbit (and she only tried the rabbit once – we yelled at her and she never did that again).
*never going to South Dakota*
May 30, 2008 at 12:19 am #709591People are so ignorant. *sigh* I don’t think any of you will be moving there soon…population 411, in the middle of nowhere. I doubt if there are any tourist attractions, either. 😉 Leola, SD
Edited for spelling. 🙄
May 30, 2008 at 12:29 am #709592Its ignorance like this that pisses me off. I’ve only been raised around Pit-Bulls, hell I got a 110 lb one in the other room thats my baby. Of course he gets mad when someone comes in the house that he doesnt know, but dont all dogs? meh >.< [insert massive amount of frustration here]
May 30, 2008 at 12:32 am #709593I can understand why people are nervous about going for a walk or bike when there are dogs loose around. I got bitten by a german once and he took a bite out of my thigh and took a chuck of my shorts. I was never nervous around dogs before.
But to the point of baning them?!
The owners of loose dogs should be the ones banned!
They don’t show responsibility.
If a dog is reconize as being viscous then yes that particular dog should be removed for the safety of the community.
But don’t take it out on other dogs be it the same breed.
I just had to have my say in this.
I still love germans! 😀May 30, 2008 at 12:34 am #709594Onyxt wrote:Its ignorance like this that pisses me off. I’ve only been raised around Pit-Bulls, hell I got a 110 lb one in the other room thats my baby. Of course he gets mad when someone comes in the house that he doesnt know, but dont all dogs? meh >.< [insert massive amount of frustration here]
I love pits….have you posted a picture of him?
I agree, BDW…it’s the owners that should be banned. 😡
May 30, 2008 at 12:40 am #709595one more thing…if they were to ban every breed that can bite and cause harm well that would be every dog breed there is.
I don’t feel safe in my own yard because of strange dogs that are loose and come around. My neighbour’s little jackrussel attacked me once too and that is a small dog…will they ban that breed also?
I mean come on this is crazy! 😕May 30, 2008 at 12:44 am #709596This is terrible!!! I hope someone takes this to court and wins!!! This must be a violation of rights of some kind!!! Owners are definitely the problem, not the dogs!!! 👿
May 30, 2008 at 12:48 am #709597It amazes me that authorities think that those breeds are the only ones that can possibly cause trouble.
My aunt had a German Shepherd that she rescued and even though he would occaisionally growl at men who got too close to him, he never actually went for someone since he was still well trained. But on the other hand these breeds have perhaps done some damage. It’s to do with owner responsibility more than anything I think.
I’ve only ever had bad experiences with those small white “Scottie” dogs. One ran up to my father and lunged itself at his calf, taking a chunk out. Another did the same thing but to a friend’s dog (a German Shepherd ironically) and literally tore its stomach out from underneath, killing the poor dog. The Shep didn’t even fight back since it was so well trained. And just recently someone let their Scottie off the lead down my road and it started viciously chasing my cats! Boy, did I tell the owner off…
May 30, 2008 at 1:02 am #709598ARE THERE NO FREAKING LEASH LAWS???? I HATE PEOPLE!!! 103-27??? Since when did the idiots have the majority??? HAHFOHLGFSDIUVFEJBCFS. What kills me about breed banning is that its the same principles as racism, and yet racism is stupid. Are all blacks unable to swim? Do all hispanics have 10 children? Do all rottweilers bite?? Its so stupid and I cant believe how stupidity becomes policy… oh wait… yes, I can:
In the beginning was The Plan.
And then came the assumptions.
And the assumptions were without merit.
And The Plan was without substance.And darkness was upon the face of the workers.
And they spoke among themselves, saying, “It is
a crock of shit, and it stinketh.”And the workers went unto their supervisors and said,
“It is a pail of dung, and none may abide the odor thereof.”And the supervisors went unto their managers, saying, “It is
a container of excrement and it is very strong, such that
none may abide by it.”And the managers went unto their directors, saying,
“It contains that which aids plant growth, and it is very strong.”And the directors went unto the VPs, saying unto them,
“It promotes growth and it is very powerful.”And the VPs went unto the Prez, saying unto him, “This plan
will actively promote the growth and vigor of the company,
with powerful effects.”And the Prez looked upon the plan, and saw that it was good.
And The Plan became Policy.
This is how shit happens!The killer is that statistics show that breed banning does not even cut donw the number of dog bites there are. Nothing good comes of it and yet its still law!!!!
On post in fort hood, a kid climbed OVER a fence and was killed by a pack of 3 dogs, one of which was a bull terrier or bull terrier mix. Because of this incident, we cant have pit bull types on military bases. While it is a tragedy and the dogs should not be in a community like that, what I want to know is WHERE WERE THE PARENTS??? Did they not teach their kids not to trespass? While no dog is worth the life of a child to me, I dont believe that the quick fix to bad parenting is to ban a specific breed. I cant stand people. I bet this thing is full of typos…
May 30, 2008 at 1:12 am #709599The REALLY IRONIC part is that they say that these breeds are OK if they are being trained to help people with disabilities. Sorry but if it was me I would NEVER want a help dog that could be banned. If they are gentle and sweet enough to be trained then they are OK in my book. So what are they using as Police dogs? Toy Poodles??
It also says you cna not have more then 2 of the same breed unless you are SELLING them??? What is that all about??May 30, 2008 at 1:16 am #709600skigod377 wrote:ARE THERE NO FREAKING LEASH LAWS???? I HATE PEOPLE!!! 103-27??? Since when did the idiots have the majority??? HAHFOHLGFSDIUVFEJBCFS.
Since George W took over!!
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