…and so it begins

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      ..the part of moving that I hate most (other than packing) House Hunting. I don’t need anything huge or palatial, just something that “feels” right. Why is that always so hard to find?

      twindragonsmum 🙂



          I’ve been pretty stationary for a good many years here, but if I had to move, I would want to feel ‘right’ about the new house I’d be moving into. I guess it would be hard because it’s a feeling–something you can’t measure like square footage. You’ll know it when you see it and of course that’s not much help. Something will turn up and I look forward to when you get to tell us about it! 🙂


            Are you looking close to where you are now or out of state? I wish you happy hunting! 😀


              Good luck with the house hunting. I love moving into a bigger house, just hate all the packing and unpacking.


              good luck with your hunt! i’m probably incredibly odd, but i LOVE moving….every step of it—house hunting, buying, packing and unpacking. need some help??? 😈


                oooooph dudes, when I move, I get seriously depressed 😮

                house hunting means decisions about where to live
                packing means putting my life in boxes and on hold for awhile
                moving means changes, that I don’t handle very well

                I offer you my deepest symphaties


                  I moved so many times, my husband calls me a gypsy. 😈 It’s actually time to move again. LOL

                  Happy Hunting!! 🙂


                    Good luck on the house hunt
                    you will know when you find the house that feels right
                    Remember you have a guardian dragon watching over you guys now and she will make sure everythings works out right I’m sure of it
                    I still want pics of her when you can get them on line though
                    I’m sure she is packed now though


                    twindragonsmum wrote:

                    ..the part of moving that I hate most (other than packing) House Hunting. I don’t need anything huge or palatial, just something that “feels” right. Why is that always so hard to find?

                    twindragonsmum 🙂

                    Maybe because you just want it all over and done with……like YESTERDAY?? 😆
                    I like the looking for/finding a new house part, but don’t like the packing part.


                      How FUN to move. I can only imagine!

                      I moved out of my parents home when I got married, and everything fit into my husbands chevy truck. Then we moved three years later into our house, and everything fit in OUR chevy truck, and a friends party van. LOL I haven’t moved since BUT I know when we do, it will be awesome because I will have one hell-of-a moving sale first, AND start over with a CLEAN, uncluttered home! lol Or, I hope so 😡

                      GOOD LUCK to you during this time of change!


                      Try to think of it as fun!! Good luck! 🙂 Yaya!


                        Wellllllll’lll, we put in an offer on a house just outside of Idaho Falls in the Miller ‘area’ and we aren’t ‘homeless’ anymore 🙂 it is about 4,600 square feet with a completely finished basement on an acre of land. What in the world do you do with all that space???? It has everything I ever wished for but never dreamed in a million years we’d ever have *it almost makes me feel guilty… why is that?* It’s in an established more rural neighborhood. We met some of the neighbors while we were looking over the yard and it turns out that their dad’s brother and his family were one of the families I grew up with in California and to put a topper on that, the family knows several of our family’s friends here in Soda Springs… Go figure. I guess Roddy and I must’ve done something right along the way and that this was ‘meant’ to be since it all fell into place so quickly 😕 We’ll be in Soda until the end of the school year, then it’s off to new adventures *but I still HATE moving!* Let the packing begin!

                        twindragonsmum 😀


                          That sounds perfect!! Congrats. Have fun packing. 😀


                            Thankies! How ’bout coming to help pack? 😆

                            twindragonsmum 😀

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