AND SHE IS MINE!!!!!!!!!!

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      I hope your puppy is okay and back to herself soon.


        So sorry about your puppy. At least she’ll be OK.


          Nirvanacat13 wrote:


          *Mr. Burns style* Excelent…

          I thought George Burns!


            GB I hope your Puppy heals very quickly. If she is still a puppy I’m sure it will be fine young animals heal very quickly.

            I thought Mr. Burns was the Simpson’s for some reason and I have not watched them in about 15 years


            Phoenix wrote:

            Oh, poor puppy! I hope she heals quickly.
            I like her name btw. I had a dog named Rueger!

            You recognized the name! 😆 I’m proud of you, Phoenix. I was actually hoping for a male puppy so I could name him Ruger, but the only ones available for what I wanted to pay were females, so I had to pick a name that fit a female better.

            Thank you, all of you, for your concern. Retta was running around as usual this morning – just on three legs instead of four. I’m very relieved, and I think she’ll be as good as new once she heals.


              Funny, usually the females cost more. What breed is she? I would love to have a Great Dane, but my husband says no ponies in the house!


              She’s three-quarters Appenzeller, one-quarter border collie, pretty small. Lemme see if I’ve got a decent picture…


                Appenzellers are very cool dogs! They are the ones that look like Bernese Mountain dogs right?
                Wow, put that with a border collie… How much energy does she have???


                Yes, she does have the little brown eye-dots and white ruff – but her hair is shorter and she doesn’t drool. 😀
                Here’s a size comparison pic with our old Belgian shepherd (crappy cell phone quality)

                And here’s puppy with the ouchy foot


                  Ahhhh. She looks so sweet! Look at those sad puppy eyes!


                  Yeah, she’s very good at being cute. 😀 You asked about energy – sorry I missed that. As an example, when she was about five months old we went to the Graubünden mountains for the weekend. Dad and I and a brother spent the whole day every day hiking. Retta had awesome fun in those mountains, and in the evening, when we returned ready to crash with a good book, she would wait expectantly until somebody showed a sign of leaving the room to go outside.
                  Since then, she wants to out all the time.


                    I’m glad your puppy is doing better

                    she has very similar markings and the similiar curly tail as Basenji’s. We had a Basenji for 14 years before she passed away. They are very good dogs and do not bark they yoddle


                    Her tail is actually her ID mark. The tip was broken at birth, so she’s got kind of a cute little question mark at the end.
                    Full-blood Appenzellers tend to have really tightly-curled tails, but I like Retta’s better.


                      Yeah, the first picture she does look like a basenji. We looked into getting a basenji, but we were told they are like perpetual two year olds. We already had two two year olds and didn’t need another!
                      They are cool dogs though.


                      So do you have a dog, Phoenix?

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