AND SHE IS MINE!!!!!!!!!!

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      Melody wrote:

      The winner of the #2 white Secret Keeper is someone we haven’t met yet, and they are in France!

      WOW France!! International shipping!! I wonder if we will have a new country here soon???


        Nirvanacat13 wrote:

        Dragon Master wrote:

        I truly wanted all 3 so I was NOT just trying to shoot the price up. I did not get as much back on my taxes as I was hoping so I will watch the 3rd one but will not be able to bid. Once my OT startes up again I will be back in the pool but not now.

        I‘m just saying for if a 3rd one comes out =P
        If a third ones comes out I’m out of it. I was planning on more tax money but I can not spend what I do not have. She is up for grabs!!


          *Mr. Burns style* Excelent….


            Nirvanacat13 wrote:

            *Mr. Burns style* Excelent….

            I’m not sure what this is in reference to??


              Dragon Master wrote:

              Nirvanacat13 wrote:

              *Mr. Burns style* Excelent….

              I’m not sure what this is in reference to??



              Do the Simpsons really spell excellent with one L?


                Greater Basilisk wrote:

                Do the Simpsons really spell excellent with one L?

                Shoosh I’m a scientist not a speller……>.<


                I wasn’t trying to insult you, Nirvana. I thought that was really a stupid part of a stupid show… Forgive me.


                  Greater Basilisk wrote:

                  I wasn’t trying to insult you, Nirvana. I thought that was really a stupid part of a stupid show… Forgive me.

                  LoL I meant that in jest 😀 no insult meant or taken. I know I can’t spell worth a squirrel’s butt, and this forum doesn’t have spell check, so I’m screwed most of the time LoL

                  For future reference, I normaly use “Shoosh” or “Hush” in a playful manner =P It’s really hard to insult or offend me…Come now, you should know that by now :mrgreen:


                  😆 I do, I do! I just forgot the emoticon. I’m kind of out of it right now. Beretta, my puppy, was hit by a car today while I was at school.


                  Poor, puppy. Is he/she ok?


                  She’s all right, thanks for asking. 🙂 She hit a fender and ripped some holes in a back leg. I’m just repeating hearsay. I have no clue what happened. We’d just finished aerating the building site when I heard. The train ride home was the longest I’ve ever been on.


                  I’m glad she’s OK! I hope she’s running around again soon (just not near cars!).


                    Oh, poor puppy! I hope she heals quickly.
                    I like her name btw. I had a dog named Rueger!


                      I hope she’s okay….poor little thing 😥

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