An introduciton

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    That’s a cool dog, Trottier. It made me think of Pitch Black, for some reason.


    .. he acktually came from my highly textured ceiling.. (head anyway)

    The background does remind me of the Pitch Black landscape without the annoying color … (drove me nutty) though I have to say Vin made up for any annoyance in that movie…


    I read that about your textured ceiling. What color is the ceiling anyway – the blue, or the yellow?
    And yeah, I love Pitch Black. The color was annoying the first time I watched it, but it grew on me the second time. And those beasties were cool. Vin Diesel is a lousy actor but a great Selbstdarsteller (self-representative… 😕 ) Anyway, he plays himself, his own character, very well, and his movies are great.


      I never saw Pitch Black, but I do love that Alien Dog and your horses are fantastic. 😀




        Welcome aboard!



          While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


          my ceiling is white..


          Welcome to the craziness. 😀


          Welcome to the forum! Yay, another person in NJ!


            TrottierJS wrote:

            PYO Windstones

            I don’t think I would like the results with anything other than an airbrush, and I don’t own one or know how to use one.. besides I’d be afraid I’d mess it up.

            See I’m not the only one scared to mess them up!!


              Dragon Master wrote:

              TrottierJS wrote:

              PYO Windstones

              I don’t think I would like the results with anything other than an airbrush, and I don’t own one or know how to use one.. besides I’d be afraid I’d mess it up.

              See I’m not the only one scared to mess them up!!

              I’m hesitant too, DM. I have a couple blanks here and some ideas for them, but I’ve never really painted before, so I’m not sure how to go about it. I suppose when I’m ready, I’ll read the PYO tutorial section and try to get some hints. I’d like to try it, but I have other priorities first right now.


                The ones I was FORCED to paint when I was there actually came out pretty nice color wise but they look like they where painted by a 3rd grader out of the lines and all. Maybe if I finally get some more money I will be able to try another one at home when I’m not being watched by the MASTER!!


                Eh, you know you liked it. 😆


                  I lOVED meeting her but showing her my work was HORRIBLE

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