An introduciton

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    I am from the northeast (originally NH but now NJ), went to school in Ohio majoring in both equine studies and fine art. I am currently working in mostly colored pencil and watercolor as they are space friendly, though I have experience with a number of mediums (oil, printmaking, acrylic etc.).

    I now have a boring full time job and do artwork on the side. I specialize in horses though I have been known to portray other subjects one of which is fantacy. I first saw the Windstone dragons in 1998 when I received the peacock scratching dragon for my birthday and have admired Ms. Pena’s sculptures and her use of form.

    a few of my pieces my be viewed on my website



      Welcome to the forum!!! Nice to meet you!!!! 😀


      Thank you, Well met Starbreeze.


      Welcome! Nice to have another horsey person on the forum.
      I like the stippling effect of your artwork. Do you work in pastels? And any chance we could see some of your fantasy work?


        Welcome! We’re a crazy bunch, but we don’t bite….much =P So, have fun, and enjoy!


        The chaulky feel of pastels on paper gives me the goose bumps so I do not work with them. I mostly stick to colored pencil as they are easy to travel with.. I have not done much more than quick drawings and sketches with fantacy themed pieces as of late, those darn commissions get in the way.. you can see one painting i did of the dog I created and painted him for an attorney friend of mine in acrylic here[/url]


          TrottierJS wrote:

          The chaulky feel of pastels on paper gives me the goose bumps so I do not work with them. I mostly stick to colored pencil as they are easy to travel with.. I have not done much more than quick drawings and sketches with fantacy themed pieces as of late, those darn commissions get in the way.. you can see one painting i did of the dog I created and painted him for an attorney friend of mine in acrylic here

          That’s why I can’t use chalk pastels (and could never write on the chalkboard at school)! It gives me the jibblies and makes me want to brush my teeth! It’s weird, I know. 😉

          Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
          My art:


            Akkkk….don’t even talk about chalkboards!!! I can’t stand that sound!!! 😯


              Welcome to the forum! You artwork is very nice. Are you painting PYOs yet? The horse folks do very well with them.


                welcome! I like your art, colored pencils were always hard for me.


                  Welcome 🙂


                  PYO Windstones

                  I don’t think I would like the results with anything other than an airbrush, and I don’t own one or know how to use one.. besides I’d be afraid I’d mess it up.


                    Welcome to the Forum!



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