Amethyst Mist Emperor – He's on eBay! (photos pg.14)

Home Forums Windstone Editions General Windstone Amethyst Mist Emperor – He's on eBay! (photos pg.14)

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    Congratulations, DDVM! 😀


    Well done DDVM!!!!


      Congrats!! 😀


        Congrats!! Now where is the green with jealousy emoticon?? 😆


          ddvm wrote:

          Thanks, everyone! I have to admit I was a little surprised at the final price – but Arlla wasn’t around to snipe him! She totally sniped me on the Neptune emperor. But maybe it was for the best – I really like purple! I can’t wait to see him in person.

          … >:D Believe me, I was tempted. You’re lucky I’m moving and broke! 😉 Congrats, hon. He’s a BEAUTY. He’ll take your breat away when you see him in person.

          "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
          -J R R Tolkien


          Arlla wrote:

          ddvm wrote:

          Thanks, everyone! I have to admit I was a little surprised at the final price – but Arlla wasn’t around to snipe him! She totally sniped me on the Neptune emperor. But maybe it was for the best – I really like purple! I can’t wait to see him in person.

          … >:D Believe me, I was tempted. You’re lucky I’m moving and broke! 😉 Congrats, hon. He’s a BEAUTY. He’ll take your breat away when you see him in person.

          Welcome back! 😀

          Would I be a terrible person if I admit I was praying “please let Arlla stay in Oregon one more day?” 😆 Sure, there are 6 billion other people who could have bid on him (I was also praying for a mass computer shutdown – except for mine, of course! 😉 )but I knew you would have been a serious threat!


          He came and, once again, he is even more amazing in person! He has a very rich color and great shading! I very nearly drooled on his head he is so wonderful. The sketch that came with him is great too. I really like the sketches, Nam, I’m glad you started doing them with the pieces!

          One of these months I’ll get pictures posted. I just found my digital camera but I’m going away next week for 2 weeks so I’m in the stressed-out-have-a-million-and-one things to do stage. But I’m staying with friends the first week so I’ll have access to the internet to check on all the cool auctions not to mention the forum! 😀


            That emp was easily the hardest to get a good photo of. His colors are much more vibrant in person! I’m so glad you like him. If you get a chance I’d be so glad if you could post a photo/scan of the sketch, I forget to scan them before I send them out!

            Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
            My art:


            Have fun on your trip, DDVM. We sure look forward to those photos.


            Ok, ever since Jennifer named him it was driving me nuts – he reminded me of something and I could not place it. So last night I was driving to the Nets game listening to Mercedes Lackey’s filk CD Shadowstalker (based on the Magic trilogy) and it hit me. The cold drake song!

            Silver and amethyst the cold drake hunts for prey
            It’s glowing eyes can hypnotize and
            Steal your soul away

            It has been driving me nuts! But finally the mystery is solved.

            By the way – if you like Mercedes Lackey this is a great CD – Heather Alexander has an AMAZING voice. Highly recommend it.


              Oh yeah! I have the “Shadowstalker” CD along with several of the others. I need to pull those out again and listen to them.

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