Amethyst Fledglings – Missed AGAIN! (p4)

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      I should have asked this during my last post, but I didn’t think of it. Melody, are the more fledglings planned for the immediate future? It doesn’t matter whether it is an amethyst or not.

      My other question is this; those who put their names in for the waiting list, were you notified that the fledgling would be coming available?



        NicoleH wrote:

        Did anyone else notice the price of the hatcher and fledgling went up but not the male dragon? Just an observation. I thought it was weird that not all the pieces had a price increase, just some.

        I suspect, and this is only a guess, that it comes with the smaller sculpts (Especially the hatcher) being much harder and time consuming to paint… especially now that it’s pretty much just Melody doing all the painting.

        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
        My art:


          That would make sense. Especially since I’ve heard her talking about wanting to retire the hatchlings sculpt


          Where did you hear this? I thought nothing was close to retirement except maybe the Leaf Cat Sconce?


            I missed it too!!! Wahhhhhhhhhh! 😥

            While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


              I think I read it in the thread where someone was asking about the shine on the peacock hatchlings egg shell, and Melody mentioned them being a pain and wanting to discontinue them. Here’s what I copy and pasted from that thread:
              “Yeah, that is overspray. It is intentionally painted that way. The interference paint that we used on the Peacock dragons only shows up well against black, it is almost invisible on light colors, so we hand paint the hatching dragon black, then airbrush the interference onto the dragon without masking the eggshell. For other colors, the dragon egg needs to be carefully masked or the dragon needs to be entirely hand painted. I really want to discontinue the hatching dragon!! It is a pain.”


              Thank you NicoleH! I will re-read that thread.


                No problem. I didn’t mean to make anyone panick or anything 😆


                  NOOOOOO! I can’t belive I missed the third batch 🙄 🙄 🙄 . It’s my own fault – kinda. I had already ordered the Amy Young Oriental. but I decided at the last minute to bite the bullet and just get the Amy Fledge to (I could just afford him to). But when I went to pay for him, it said my cart was empty – AGAIN!!
                  Oh well, heres to hoping a fourth batch of Amy Fledgies is in the works or maybe someome will offer to sell me thier’s. I won’t be able to babysit the store forever. At least I got my Amy Young Oriental , though 😀 .


                  I missed them again too, I was out running errands and I just got back.

                  I did get a kitty though, I wish I could have gotten two since each is slightly different, having a pair would be awesome.


                  I missed them to. I was so excited about the young oriental that I didnt even check the back in stock items. I have a feeling more will be made. I think only a few were put back up less than 10 I am almost sure.


                    Here’s to hoping I’m around when they restock them. Can’t get the kitty right now, though 😥 . I hope the Flapper becomes prodution again…


                    I’m right along with all of the rest of you who missed out. I never got a notice of any kind, and I figured I would hear from someone. I’m so downhearted about this it isn’t even funny. 😥


                      I feel like crying…I missed them again…I just don’t have the time to babysit the store. I desperately want a fledge. Please tell us there will be more soon? 🙁

                      Keeper of the Fledgings


                        I didn’t get any warning either :shrug: But as far as the Fledglings were concerned, I don’t think there was alot in this batch. Fledglings are sooo popular – they disappear as soon has they hit the store!
                        Hoping for more this week -( but not fiday ) 😳

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