Almost had my windstones smashed /eek!

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    Kyrin wrote:

    Well Purpledoggy, just remember your time is ticking, soon you will have a little one you are going to have to chase around. And they get mobile faster than you think. You might want to start babyproofing your Windstone collection now.

    Granted the parents should have been paying more attention, he also should not have put the oxygen tank anywhere it was likely to fall over, even empty!

    You daughter will be crawling by 5 to 6 months of age, so you’re going to need to start figuring out how to protect your collection soon. Gone are the days of just putting things anywhere you like without considering whether the child will have access to it.

    Trust me, even after 6 years of training, we still find out via our 14 month old daughter that we didn’t quite get that “whatever it is we didn’t want her to get” out of the way like we thought.

    We have two curio cabinets, and after they were here for about a week or so, she stopped putting her little paws on the glass. Ours have quite a bit of wood to them though.

    Anyway, get used to it. *evil grin* Nope, I’m not a parent, not me!

    Trust me, it will be fun watching her learn about her world, but you will likely need to put the Windstones someone less accessible for awhile once she is mobile.

    Good points Kyrin.


      Definatly good points brought up by Kyrin. I just wish my son would learn to stop putting his hands on or banging into my old doll cabinet with his toys and banging on our coffee table with glass inserts. Maybe it’s because he’s a boy and he enjoys the loud noises it makes.


        My rule for babyproofing was simple:

        1. If she picks it up, can she hurt herself with it?

        2. If she drops it, can it break?

        Of course, Windstones belong in category 2, but I didn’t have many at the time, so it was mostly shuffling things around. And I discovered that books are of absolutely no interest to a toddler. Yes, I’m almost as much a freak about my books than about my Windstones. Hence the “depression” about the book who spent the night out in the rain…

        Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
        I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


        dragonmedley wrote:

        My rule for babyproofing was simple:

        1. If she picks it up, can she hurt herself with it?

        2. If she drops it, can it break?

        Of course, Windstones belong in category 2, but I didn’t have many at the time, so it was mostly shuffling things around. And I discovered that books are of absolutely no interest to a toddler. Yes, I’m almost as much a freak about my books than about my Windstones. Hence the “depression” about the book who spent the night out in the rain…

        Books are of interest to my toddler, she loves to pull them all out of the shelves. Oy! Outside of dragging them all off their shelves though, she doesn’t bother them after that. Thankfully there seems to be only one shelf she likes to do this to, considering how many bookcases full of books I’ve got, this is a good thing.



          Kyrin wrote:

          dragonmedley wrote:

          My rule for babyproofing was simple:

          1. If she picks it up, can she hurt herself with it?

          2. If she drops it, can it break?

          Of course, Windstones belong in category 2, but I didn’t have many at the time, so it was mostly shuffling things around. And I discovered that books are of absolutely no interest to a toddler. Yes, I’m almost as much a freak about my books than about my Windstones. Hence the “depression” about the book who spent the night out in the rain…

          Books are of interest to my toddler, she loves to pull them all out of the shelves. Oy! Outside of dragging them all off their shelves though, she doesn’t bother them after that. Thankfully there seems to be only one shelf she likes to do this to, considering how many bookcases full of books I’ve got, this is a good thing.


          Yeah, same thing here!

          Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.

          I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


            dragonmedley wrote:

            Kyrin wrote:

            dragonmedley wrote:

            My rule for babyproofing was simple:

            1. If she picks it up, can she hurt herself with it?

            2. If she drops it, can it break?

            Of course, Windstones belong in category 2, but I didn’t have many at the time, so it was mostly shuffling things around. And I discovered that books are of absolutely no interest to a toddler. Yes, I’m almost as much a freak about my books than about my Windstones. Hence the “depression” about the book who spent the night out in the rain…

            Books are of interest to my toddler, she loves to pull them all out of the shelves. Oy! Outside of dragging them all off their shelves though, she doesn’t bother them after that. Thankfully there seems to be only one shelf she likes to do this to, considering how many bookcases full of books I’ve got, this is a good thing.


            Yeah, same thing here!
            My son too!


              Barrdwing wrote:

              Woii . . . what a nightmare indeed, if it had hit the curio! 😯 Well done on the save. And although they insist that vigorous activities (like power slides across the floor :P) are risky during pregnancy, look at it this way: You would have been much more stressed and upset for weeks–or longer–if it had broken your Windstones! As it was, you had one heck of an adrenaline spike, but your Windstones are safe. So it was a short-term stressor as opposed to a much longer-term one. I’d say that that is less harmful.

              Living in earthquake country, I sometimes think about what would happen if a big shaker hit. The Windstones would be toast: they’re all in tall cabinets that are mostly glass. But the only way to protect them would be to keep them boxed up all the time . . . and then I can’t see them and enjoy them. It’s a real pickle! 😛
              You can get Earthquake putty like I did to secure them to the shelves. It does not cost that much and it can really give you piece of mind.

              I’m VERY glad you did not write to us that you got hurt in any way.


              ouch>< mind you i didnt care about my injury i was justw orried about my OW lol


                Dracomancer wrote:

                ouch>< mind you i didnt care about my injury i was justw orried about my OW lol

                Ouch! 😯

                While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


                Keplilly wrote:

                Dracomancer wrote:

                ouch>< mind you i didnt care about my injury i was justw orried about my OW lol

                Ouch! 😯

       did kinda sting like hell after the initial adrenaline rush wore off lol


                This is why you should feed all small children to the dragons. That way your happy, the dragons are happy, and the noise and messes are all gone. Now who needed me to babysit…??


                  Dracomancer wrote:

                  ouch>< mind you i didnt care about my injury i was justw orried about my OW lol

                  You did not mention if the OW got hurt in the process??


                    Jvargas0667 wrote:

                    This is why you should feed all small children to the dragons. That way your happy, the dragons are happy, and the noise and messes are all gone. Now who needed me to babysit…??

                    😆 😆

                    Little kids, little problems…big kids, big problems…

                    That saying is absolutely true, so you all have something to look forward to! 😉


                      I also hate it when parents bring their kids in my store and let them loose and don’t watch them at all 👿


                      wolflodge100 wrote:

                      I also hate it when parents bring their kids in my store and let them loose and don’t watch them at all 👿

                      That would be annoying. Oh, and who doesn’t love the parents who bring their kids to quiet places (movies, plays, ceremonies, libraries) and don’t take them out when they cry? Just ignoring the poor things is not nice, to the kids or to the other people there.

                      There’s one right behind me in the library right now, in fact, babbling and squealing to her heart’s content while Daddy (I assume) sits there at the comp WITH HIS HEADPHONES ON!!! Now, really… there are people trying to study in here. He looks like he’s playing a game. I could understand if he was working on a paper or something too and couldn’t get a sitter, but it doesn’t seem like he is. He needs to take the ‘phones off and pay some attention to his little girl before the fuzz (my bosses…) ask him to leave. Or go down to the student center… they have computers there too and no quiet rules.

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