
Albino Male Kirins or More Production Colour Kirins?

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      I was looking through threads as I couldn’t remember if this was posted before but were there ever albino male kirins or will there be some coming out if horns are available? I don’t have any large kirins but I may like to get one male with blue eyes to go with my baby kirins.

      Also are there any other colours schemes being worked on for more production colours for kirins? I would love to see more come out in either natural or colourful schemes!

      Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


        I second this for Albino Male Ki-Rins with either the Pink (my preference) or Blue eyes, and YES PLEASE to more colorful schemes for production Ki-Rins! 🙂

        Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
        Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

        *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
        *** Come visit me on deviantArt at http://ela-hara.deviantart.com


          I was looking through threads as I couldn’t remember if this was posted before but were there ever albino male kirins or will there be some coming out if horns are available? I don’t have any large kirins but I may like to get one male with blue eyes to go with my baby kirins.

          Also are there any other colours schemes being worked on for more production colours for kirins? I would love to see more come out in either natural or colourful schemes!

          The horns. It’s always the horns. We thought we had the horn problem taken care of, but the plating company ran into some issue ( I don’t know what the problem was exactly) with the horns we had cast. So there still aren’t any gold horns.

          Maybe we could do some adult kirins with silver horns ( if we have those) and blue eyes…but they wouldn’t match the albino baby.


            Maybe we could do some adult kirins with silver horns ( if we have those) and blue eyes…but they wouldn’t match the albino baby.

            I don’t think most of us would mind a silver horn instead of a gold plated one, I think more of us would just be happy to have the male in albino and or more production colors…..

            4 things I'm looking for:
            1. Mother Meerkat
            2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
            3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
            4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


              The horns. It’s always the horns. We thought we had the horn problem taken care of, but the plating company ran into some issue (I don’t know what the problem was exactly) with the horns we had cast. So there still aren’t any gold horns.

              Maybe we could do some adult kirins with silver horns (if we have those) and blue eyes…but they wouldn’t match the albino baby.

              Ah! sadness! It’s always the horns, isn’t it? Sheesh….. You must be tired of it (and of us nagging you).

              At first I thought, my OCD might not be happy with silver horns. Then, I thought, weelll…. sure! Being able to get my mitts on a blue-eyed Albino Male KiRin, why not?

              So after very careful consideration (it took me all of about 2 seconds), my vote (for what it’s worth) is Yes! Gold or Silver, whatever works. I’ve been wanting a blue-eyed male since I got the blue-eyed mom last year.

              I dug about and found this thread from last June and in it there’s a list of what horns there were (then, obviously. I know things have changed somewhat with the colts using up some of the small horns). Lo and behold, there seem to be unplated horns for male KiRins on that list!


              Woo hoo!

              So, maybe, just maybe, there are enough horns for a couple of batches of these handsome fellas? ‘sides, if y’all aren’t plating them, maybe you can churn out a few more horns?

              Hmmm….. Pretty please?

              Life is beautiful.


                Or, could you paint the horns?

                Life is beautiful.

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