Albino Kirins?

Home Forums Windstone Editions Ask Melody Albino Kirins?

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      Another squeak for LP Albino Kirns 🙂


        I have had an all-white kirin sitting on my desk since we first made them; I always wanted to make white ones.

        Could we see him? 😀

        I posted a pic of him in my “staff gallery” The pic will show up in my gallery when Pam gets around to moderating the image. Posting gallery images in this new forum is a little less convenient than in the old one.


        Awwww, he’s cute! Looks funny with no horn, though. 🙂


          What a cutie! Watch out though melody, someone’s going to steal your credit card number…


            What a cutie! Watch out though melody, someone’s going to steal your credit card number…

            Yeah, he is also sitting on all of my passwords… I guess I should be more careful.


            that albino Kirin mama is gorgeous! I am not one for kirins but she is breath taking! Even my honey thinks she is something special! He’s a dragon person all the way.

            I thinks it’s because she looks so innocent. Like the virgin Mary or a lambie


              More squeeeeking for Albino Kirins *_* Squeek Squeek!


                Oh definitely sqeek for some LP or production albino Kirins. I have had a full family set of regular production Kirins since 2004, and I would love to have a set in Albino!!!!SSSQQQEEEKKKKK!!!! 🙂


                I’ve purchased the last of my school books =P But where oh where are my LP kirins??? Is it still a plan to make LP kirins in the foreseeable furture or are they on the backburner?


                  I will seriously _prepay_ if that would move them to the front burner! XD

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