I’ve drawn and painted for numerous years, but I found makeup to be one of my favorite mediums and faces to be my preferred canvas!
This is all makeup done with an airbrush!
Here are pictures of my good friend and my first try at airbrush makeup. I wanted to do a fall scene! You can tell I layered on too much with the tail as the paint began to crack. This is also before I put detailing in the leaves. I do like how the water came out though! 🙂

Here is another friend of mine with futuristic airbrush makeup!

And me as a cat! It’s amazing how airbrushing can transform the planes of your face! This was not done by me but by my celebrity makeup artist friend, Nelly Recchia. Her work can be seen here http://www.nellyrecchia.com/gallery/i0.html You should definitely check her stuff out and it is ALL airbrush. All lace detailing and anything that looks remotely real is airbrushed. She’s amazing!!

Here I am a glam cat? Wig and all.