
Ahhh did any one get an extra white curlie?

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    I was gonna get an extra for Ski, but I figured someone was already snatching one for her. Next tiem I get lucky enough to be aorund for one, I will snatch an extra then I can help someone out!! Sort of a “Pay it Forward” type thing. LOL I am glad Ski got hers, cuz I was gonna offer her mine if she didn’t get one since she helped me out with the Green Fledge. πŸ˜€


    dragonessjade wrote:

    Yep, Ski got one.

    I’m glad.


    Yes, I am glad that she got one also. I just wish I could of done more.


      I got one too! This forum is just full of great people. Yay!


        I put my name in the hat for the extra one out there. I was playing WOW the burning crusade and missed out on them. Stupid WOW its sooooo addicting.


          I have figured im gonna buy an extra pretty often. I hate hearing of friends who miss out consistently.


            I was on line when I got my PM and I’m so happy I got mine. I guess I need to start to watch e-bay closer. I LOVE the new notification system that ROCKS thanks Snap


            It’ll be handy for me. Only to know what I’ve missed while I was at work. LOL. Of course I could have saved Snap some time and not asked to be on it. I can always find out what I missed while at work from the posts.


              I do not think it could be too dificult to add someone. I’m sure it was not a problem


              **whimpers** I missed them too! I spent the day traveling to Ohio with my boss, and I wasn’t able to get on until now!

              Stupid road trips!!! πŸ˜₯

              If anyone got an extra one that they would sell me, please let me know. Thanks!


                I hope they offer another batch soon


                  Yeah – at least three people who really wanted one didn’t get one.


                    I’m lucky I was on line and get the PM. They sold out in an hour. The record is still the EmPea ones that sold out in 5 minutes


                    Is it Ruff that collects the whites?…I am confused as to who it is that collects the whites…Did they get theirs or not? πŸ˜•


                      WindstoneCollector wrote:

                      Is it Ruff that collects the whites?…I am confused as to who it is that collects the whites…Did they get theirs or not? πŸ˜•

                      Ruff did indeed get one πŸ˜€ I know Frozen and Kep (?) both collect whites.

                      Thank you to everyone who thought of me and PMd me!! And esp to Frozen who grabbed an extra one for me πŸ™‚ You guys are great!

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