Ahh! Running out of Room *lol*

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      Almost all of mine are in boxes still, and most I end up shipping to my parents house to be put into storage. I have a few smaller ones boxed up and put into larger boxes in my room (holding up my table). Two or three I was too lazy to put away and are sitting in my office at work collecting dust.


        Yeh, the little bitty 2 bedroom condo ain’t cuttin’ it… esp. since most of the room is taken up by art supplies and books. πŸ™„ πŸ˜†

        I so need a bigger place. LOL!


          need a bigger place because you have so many windstones…
          can’t buy a bigger place because you spend all your money on windstones…


          Pam Thompson wrote:

          need a bigger place because you have so many windstones…
          can’t buy a bigger place because you spend all your money on windstones…

          isn’t that the truth!! πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†


            bayoudragon wrote:

            Yeh, the little bitty 2 bedroom condo ain’t cuttin’ it… esp. since most of the room is taken up by art supplies and books. πŸ™„ πŸ˜†

            I so need a bigger place. LOL!
            My 2 bedroom is not cutting it either I need a 3 bedroom and a 3rd or 4th cabinet plus enough money to get the rest of the Windstones I want/need for my collection
            This is part fo the reason I set myself a limit of ONLY collecting the “Family” of dragons as I call it
            Emperor, Male, Mother, Fledgie, Young and Hatcher,
            Of course that means I NEED them in EVERY color I can get them in


              daydreamer wrote:

              Pam Thompson wrote:

              need a bigger place because you have so many windstones…
              can’t buy a bigger place because you spend all your money on windstones…

              isn’t that the truth!! πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†
              A GREAT problem to have though


                Pam Thompson wrote:

                need a bigger place because you have so many windstones…
                can’t buy a bigger place because you spend all your money on windstones…

                XD XD That’s awesome and so true.

                My Windstone collection is still rather small, and I am also a packrat or hoarder. I have way too much stuff. Dad is always telling me to sell my stuff. We get into some nasty arguments because of that. I just attach far too much sentimental value to all of my stuff. For my posters and paintings, I rotate them around every once and a while. I will probably do the same for my Windstones. For now they have taken over my desk and I do all my work on the floor or the bed.


                  I think I attach a little to much sentimental value to some stuff to 😳 . I find that stuff that was given to me as a gift is the hardest to get rid of. But then again, I sometimes just get in the right mode of thinking and bring a few boxes of stuff to Goodwill. I also sometimes rotate my stuff that I have on display – but my Windstones always take priority on my shelves πŸ˜‰ .
                  I have have only been a true Windstone collector for a few years, and as I mentioned, don’t see any end in the immediate future to stop. The major issue in collecting (except maybe the cost 😳 ) is the shear size of most of the sculpts. Don’t get me wrong, I love the fact most of them are nice and big. Makes admiring them from my couch in the living room all the easier. But with the size, comes the loss of display space all the quicker. It’s worth it, though.
                  Fortunately I will have some more display space in the near future. We are slowly finishing the upstairs in our house and that will in turn free up a room we have downstairs. Of course with the extra space it will be all the easier to justify buying more stuff to fill it.
                  And thus, The Cycle continues… πŸ˜†

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