Ahh! Running out of Room *lol*

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  • #807614

      I just received two new Windstones today, and it occurred to me “Damn, I gots me a lot of stuff”. For you see, I don’t only collect Windstones, but also many other things. Dragons, Breyers and turtles are a few of the things I love and have added to my hoard. There dosen’t seem to be any end to my collecting (especially Windstones) in sight either :spank: . My mom once commented my home looked like a gift shop, and I suppose it does. I was just wondering how people on this forum copes with ‘the space issue’ 😀 .


        Crimson Vision

          Heh, I have most of my Windstones at work while I try and talk my Husband into letting me buy a large curio cabinet. Thankfully I have alot of desk. 😉


            I keep buying more shelves… I’m running out of walls to put them against now 😳

            Got a busted Windstone?
            *OPEN for repairs*

            *SEEKING GRAILS*
            Arc-en-ciel Emperor
            Siphlophis Male Dragon
            Calypso Hatching Empress
            Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
            Tattoo Mother Kirin
            Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
            Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
            Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
            Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
            Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
            Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


              Most of my larger ones are in boxes at the moment because my room is still being redone (I’m sleeping on a couch or futon at the moment in an upstairs room…). So, I’m not exactly sure how my room situation is for sure (I think I’m ok, but…). I know my books and stuffed animals definitely won’t fit in that room. If my brother were to move out, then I know where the stuffed animals are going. My stuff sort of just… creeps… into other rooms. 😳 I did move from a small apartment after all and have a small library (about 1/4-1/3 is all gaming books…) and in all honestly, my room is very small. My bedroom and a room about the same size would actually house all my stuff, minus a few pieces of furniture, like a kitchen table. If my dad would ever finish my room and quit stalling, I’d probably have a better idea (he’s been working on it for about a year, but keeps getting side-tracked by other rooms, like the attic, or family issues popping up that need to be dealt with).


                drag0nfeathers wrote:

                I keep buying more shelves… I’m running out of walls to put them against now 😳

                I can definitely relate to that 😳 .


                drag0nfeathers wrote:

                I keep buying more shelves… I’m running out of walls to put them against now 😳

                Um…Yeah…I got room enough for one more bookcase. That is about it. Unless it is a curio, I am not putting it in the living room. I too am out of wallspace! 🙄

                siberakh1 wrote:

                stuff sort of just… creeps… into other rooms.

                Yeah, especially my Windstones. They were all in the Parlor…Now they have moved into hallways and the living room is bombarded too. 😮

                Yet just like you PT, I don’t see an end in sight to my Windstone addiction! @.@ (But I did finally manage after 18 months to unpack them all again! YAY!)


                i am in the same situation… although, we just tore out our entire built in bookcase to someday (hopefully soon) rebuild it. everything is on tables or in the “book pile” or in their boxes 😥 i dont do well with transition!


                  I’d like to see these pics of running out of room 😀 I too am in the same boat. Most of my pieces are in their boxes but I’m moving out in about two weeks so hopefully I can spring some more pieces from their cardboard prisons 🙂


                  I can relate to running out of room. I’m a packrat, you see. I have probably well over 1000 books, several hundred my little ponies, a couple hundred stuffed animals, various cat sculptures/nick-nacks, and my Windstones. Plus, my hubby is a movie and video game collector…


                    I tend to fill the spaces I have and then stop. Like the current Windstone cabinet I have. It’s full so if I were to get more (like the Siamese Griffin family if it hit the stores in decent numbers or hoofer families that come out in colors I like) then I would have to get another cabinet. Fortunately I have a space reserved for that eventuality and if my luck holds out the furniture store where we got the first cabinet will have a match for it.

                    The other shelving units (books/movies) are in much the same shape…minimal room for new additions.


                    My bookcase is stupid full, and I have 2 PYO’s and a Poad on my desk….. they hide from the sun beside my desktop tower…. lol

                    But no monies for more so…. well…. lol :shrug:


                      NicoleH wrote:

                      I’d like to see these pics of running out of room 😀 I too am in the same boat. Most of my pieces are in their boxes but I’m moving out in about two weeks so hopefully I can spring some more pieces from their cardboard prisons 🙂

                      LOL! I can supply those.

                      My Windstones have their own room. 🙄 😳

                      Got a busted Windstone?
                      *OPEN for repairs*

                      *SEEKING GRAILS*
                      Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                      Siphlophis Male Dragon
                      Calypso Hatching Empress
                      Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                      Tattoo Mother Kirin
                      Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                      Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                      Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                      Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                      Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                      Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                        I am totally out of room on my shelves. My Red Fire set are sitting waiting in their boxes, and are they ever grumpy about it. 😀


                        My plan is to move… fast as hell! (as my Winstone collection, despite the fact that it`s small at the moment are growing in high speed these days and I had too much stuff before I even started to collect them) 😛

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