

Home Forums Miscellany Happy Thoughts Adraenyse/Snapdragon

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  • #498869


    I love when you show up on the forum because we never know what to expect when you pop on, and you almost always find something funny to do or say that makes us smile! Love ya! <3 *moo*


      Yes, and thank you for creating this special thread. I can get down sometimes and it’s good to know I can come here and read all the positive things people have posted. Talk about a picker-upper! Thanks! 😀


        I ditto both comments! Thank you!!! You’re the bestest!


        Yes! Thanks for the great ides of this ‘Happy Thoughts’ place! 😀


          Thank you for giving us this forum and for all the assistance and laughs you share! (I don’t say much, but your snarky humour gives me giggles often!)


          I love it when you pop in, share some stories of your life, change some user’s nicknames, and pop back out! You’re no Dumb Green Dragon and this forum was an excellent idea!


            Well, credit where credit due, the forum was John’s want … I simply saw the request on their website, called him up, and discussed how to make it happen… and here we are 3 years later.


              Thank you for maintaining the site, listening to our complaints and fixing them. And thank you for the snarky comments that always make me laugh.


                Thanks for stirring things up around here when we least expect it. It keeps us on our toes. Moorawr!!!


                You are definitely a pleasant surprise! lol


                  Geeks are the best sort of people. :}

                  Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                  My art: featherdust.com


                    It is very enjoyable when you pop-up with a great comment.


                    Thank you Snap (I’ll never remember the other name) for always being on here with your sarcastic witty comments that make us all chuckle.

                    And… no small thanks to you for fixing my computer!!! I still owe you for that one! 8)

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