
Actively searching for LG.EMERALD WIZARD

Home Forums Administration Flea Market Actively searching for LG.EMERALD WIZARD

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  • #504149

      Hi all,I am searching for the lg.Emerald Wizard.I know they are very scarce and probably wishing on a dry well but thought I would ask anyway.I am willing to deal with possible trades as well as money.Christmas is coming and time to start buying for others instead of myself.If anyone has one and is interested in parting with it,please let me know.Thanks for looking 🙂 and for any help in advance 😉

      Every act matters.No matter how small💞
      (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
      Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


      There is a place in my area that has a new in box emerald wizard. If you’re interested, I can call them and find out the price. The one they have is the limited edition numbered guy.


        Kia, I think that is the Wind Wizard.

        Its too bad you’re not looking for the black and red one


          I love the large ones . Never had one .



          I have one and is in perfect condition a bit dusty but perfect condition. I would like to hear what u have in mind. I may not sell but I am interested in hearing what u may offer.


            Thanks for the offers.I have found one from a member/friend here so I want to thank those of you that offered one up to me.I appreciate it.They are beautiful and I think underappreciated but that’s just my opinion of them.I guess either you like wizards or you don’t.To me wizards and dragons go hand-in-hand.Thanx!

            Every act matters.No matter how small💞
            (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
            Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.

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