Acrylic – Fantacy

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    I got bored of working with pencils so I started doing some acrylics.. The dragon is finished but the unicorn has a ways to go…
    These are small only 6″ x 4 “.

    along with an unfinished digital dragon ..


    Those are cool. I like the color of the dragon, but I like the uni one as a whole. 😀 Is it harder to paint on a smaller scale?


    I do find it more difficult to paint really small as detail is hard to get on these at this scale.. but I wanted to do a couple small ones before I move on to a bigger one.


      They are all nice but I like the dragons in particular.


      I like your red dragon a lot, though I’m still trying to figure out how you did that on a 6″ x 4″ and still got that much detail in. Anyway, it’s beautiful!


      ha ha .. much cursing! nah just kidding.. fairly small brush and patience.

      I’ll probably end up selling these on e-bay.


      TrottierJS wrote:

      I do find it more difficult to paint really small as detail is hard to get on these at this scale.. but I wanted to do a couple small ones before I move on to a bigger one.

      Yeah, that makes sense. Let us know what the link is to them if you do sell them.


        The last one is my favorite, I have a miserable time with brush painting acrylics…they always dry too quick…one day I’m gonna get some retarder so I can see if that helps…


        I hope it sells well, Trottier.


        Thanks ! Meee tooo!

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