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    I’m so sorry to hear that. I hope you can get a new car.


      Kyrin wrote:

      The important thing here is that you are okay. Cars can be replaced, you can’t.

      *hug* It’ll be okay, with luck your insurance will repair it instead.


      How very true. I am so glad that you are ok!


      I’m sorry DM, that sucks!!! I’m glad you’re OK though! Your right about the rentals, my car was a rental and I got a great deal! And it’s a great car too. Good luck!! {HUGS}


        Since the wreck was obviously the other guys fault won’t his insurance comapny be liable for getting you another car? I don’t know how this works or if it does but that seems only fair


        darjeb wrote:

        Since the wreck was obviously the other guys fault won’t his insurance comapny be liable for getting you another car? I don’t know how this works or if it does but that seems only fair

        No. That’s why they total it – it costs them less to give you the blue-book value of the car than to replace it or repair it.

        We’ve had three cars run into and totaled since moving to Midland. At least one of them was later patched up, sold, and is still out there being driven around with a huge dent on one side.

        Last time someone tried to run through my car I was lucky; it is still drivable and I figured I could live with the dents. That way the insurance company didn’t get to total it out from under me.

        When your car is as cheap as the one I can afford, you could just about break a wing mirror and the insurance company would rather total it than pay to get it fixed.


        Aww man DM I am sorry that does definatly suck.


          Wow! Sorry to hear about the accident. At least you are ok! My co-worker’s brother just got T-Boned by a tow truck in the icy weather today. I had to drive to work in it tonight *oh joy*. At least it has warmed up a bit for the drive home (rain and slush better than ice and freezing rain).

          I have a 2006 Camry. I bought mine used in 2006 when the 2007 Camry was just beginning to come out. The dealer I got mine from had just bought about 100 of them to sell (many were rental cars… mine had about 12,000 miles on it at purchase), so I got a very good deal on mine. The engine was broken in and had already gone through its initial paces. I’ve been very happy with it. It’s my first car purchase too (was previously driving a 92 Duster and a 91 Sundance – both owned by the parents). Can’t complain about the mileage either.


          Good grief! I’m glad you’re OK. I hope you’re able to find another car soon — riding a motorcycle in this kind of weather seems rather hazardous…


          I’m so glad you’re OK too. I also know that driving in the rain on a cycle is very hazardous to your health. I worked at Sacrameto Med Center and St. Joseph’s in Stockton (I know you know where they are) on the orthopedic wards and a large percentage of the patients were motorcycle accident victims in traction or with serious head injuries. Dark and rain and wind increase the risks considerably which are already substantial anyway just from lack of protection. Add the nuts and the DUIs of all sorts like the one you just ran into and your chances of serious harm multply yet some more. For heaven’s sake, and your own, get a car so your family (and we) won’t be grieving another loss!! You may be strong, but your’re not invincible! OK? 🙄 🙂 drgnlvr (aka mother dragon in this case, except not lying down!)


            Jeez, DM, sorry to hear about the accident and your car. 🙁 I hope you’re able to find a decent replacement soon so that you’re not stuck riding the motorcycle in this soggy weather we’ve been having.

            Regarding decent, durable cars: we’ve had a Saturn SL2 (’96 model) that has done very well. When I was in school I drove a 1974 Mercedes diesel with a pull starter (that got some attention); it had the overtake power of a three-legged gopher but it was reliable and at least it had classic lines. 😉 My dad found it for “cheap enough” in the Auto Trader. Also, with the current push towards hybrids, I bet you can find some gasoline cars with decent fuel efficiency popping up for sale at dealerships: trade-ins and the like. Best of luck!


              My last 3 cars including this one where Saturns. I loved them but have been told that since GM bought them the wuality has gone down hill. I’m not sure what I’m going to do.


                Bought them? Saturn was always owned by GM. It was a lame effort at “reconnecting” with the car buying public after shafting them for the last 20 years. So they poured millions into this company that would “bring cars to your house for you to test drive them”.

                Then their parts division went bankrupt. Woop!

                Then there’s DC. Hey, let’s buy up Chrysler, strip it off all it’s built up war chest so we can attempt to design Korean/American hybrid vehicles that no one wants, oh damn, we screwed up, spent all your money, messed up your pension, who wants to buy off this useless Chrysler division now?

                Not to mention while Daimler controlled Chrysler they practically obliterated most of our precious PVO market AND discontinued a HUGE chunk of the MPP (mopar performance product) aftermarket parts, the ones that we like to buy and race with.

                Bitter… me… noooo.

                Personally, I doubt I’ll ever own a new vehicle. It’s thousands cheaper to scope out one that has problems and fix them myself. As long as the body is in one piece, I can handle the rest.

                I understand you might not be in such a blessed position DM but you still have plently of power in your hands — get yourself a one month subscription to Carfax, call up a friend who is mechanically versed and go shopping. Run every car you are interested in through Carfax to find any obvious issues (like “Car used as taxi” or write-offs, etc.) then have a 3rd party garage do a full mechanical inspection — shouldn’t cost more than $50.

                Look through the car ads at work while you’re earning OT. 😈


                  yeah but $50 each for 10 cars to find the one you want is $500 from the down payment you can make. I have no ides what I’m going to do yet. I have a friend that says he knows how to talk dealers down so he is going to go car shopping with me. I do not really want an American car but if I have to I have to.
                  at&t does have a GM copropate discount so I have to investigate that too


                    what highway was it DM? oh sheesh that bites hard. We have been having some interesting wheather lately, have we ever had a year where it has rained so consistantly for so long?


                      I am happy you are okay, than goodness you weren’t on the motorcycle….

                      Wishing you the best with insurance, getting a new car!!!!!

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